Tara sat quietly in a corner inside the building, her hands clasped tightly in her lap. Her eyes darted around, taking in the bustling scene unfolding before her in the wide, echoing corridor.

Candidates were moving in every direction, some with anxious expressions, others bursting with excitement, their voices mingling into a chaotic symphony of emotions.

She watched as groups of students hurried past, some clutching their results, others scanning the notice boards with wide eyes.

Every few moments, she would catch sight of someone breaking into a relieved smile or letting out a sigh of frustration, the tension of the day palpable in the air. The sheer energy around her only heightened her own nerves.

Tara shifted slightly, her back pressed against the cold wall. She felt small in the midst of all the commotion, the weight of her own anticipation growing heavier with each passing second.

Every now and then, she would glance toward the entrance of the corridor, hoping to see Prithvi's familiar figure returning with news.

But each time, it was someone else-a stranger, a fellow student-never him.

The voices of the other candidates buzzed around her, snippets of conversations drifting by, but she couldn't focus on any of them. Her mind was too preoccupied, her heart too restless.

All she could do was wait, surrounded by the whirlwind of emotions in the corridor, her own hopes and fears battling within her.

As the minutes ticked by, Tara's anxiety only grew. She began to fidget, her fingers twisting the ends of her saare pallu as she tried to calm the rising storm within her.

The sounds around her seemed to blur, becoming a distant hum as she fixated on the doorway where Prithvi would appear.

Her thoughts raced, each one a different scenario playing out in her mind. What if she didn't pass? What would Prithvi say? What about her future? The uncertainty gnawed at her, making it hard to breathe.

She tried to remind herself that she had done her best, but the doubts were relentless.

She noticed a few students walk by with their families, their smiles broad as they proudly showed off their results.

The sight made her heart clench. Would she be able to share in that joy, or would her dreams come crashing down?

Just as she felt she could no longer bear the tension, she spotted a familiar figure in the distance. Prithvi was weaving his way through the crowd, his face unreadable.

Tara's heart leaped to her throat. She wanted to run to him, to demand to know what the results were, but her feet felt rooted to the spot.

Finally, Prithvi reached her, his eyes locking onto hers. For a moment, everything else faded away-the noise, the people, the building itself.

It was just the two of them, standing on the precipice of what felt like an eternity.

Prithvi paused, taking in the anxious look on Tara's face. Then, with a small smile, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the slip of paper, holding it out to her.

Tara's hands trembled as she nervously opened her result paper, her heart pounding in her chest. Each second felt like an eternity as she unfolded the sheet, her breath hitching in anticipation.

Her eyes quickly scanned the page, and there it was-her name, ranked 3rd. Relief and disbelief flooded through her all at once.

Without a second thought, she turned to Prithvi, her emotions overwhelming her, and threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest as tears began to fall.

Prithvi held her tightly, his hand gently stroking her hair. Tara's sobs were quiet but deep, filled with all the anxiety and tension she had been holding inside.

People in the corridor started to look at them, some with curiosity, others with awkward smiles, but Tara didn't care at all.

All that mattered was the comfort of Prithvi's arms around her, grounding her in the moment of her achievement.

"I did it," she whispered through her tears, her voice barely audible.

Prithvi pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes, his own filled with pride and warmth. "Yes, you did," he whispered back, a gentle smile on his lips.

Tara hugged him even tighter, letting her tears flow freely, completely oblivious to the world around them. This was her moment, and she was going to let herself feel every bit of it.

After a few moments, Tara pulled back slightly, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Her emotions were still raw, a mix of joy, relief, and disbelief swirling inside her.

Prithvi gently cupped her face, his thumbs brushing away the remaining tears, his eyes filled with nothing but love and admiration.

"You made me so proud, Tara," he said softly, his voice full of sincerity.

Tara tried to smile through her tears, her lips trembling. "I can't believe it... third place," she whispered, her voice still shaky.

Prithvi nodded, his hands still resting on her cheeks. "You worked hard for this. You earned it," he assured her, his words like a balm to her nerves.

Taking a deep breath, Tara finally looked around, noticing the curious stares of the other candidates and their families.

A faint blush crept up her cheeks, but Prithvi's comforting presence beside her made it easy to ignore them.

"I didn't even realize we were making a scene," Tara said with a small, embarrassed laugh.

Prithvi chuckled softly. "Let them look. This moment is yours, and nothing else matters."

Tara smiled up at him, feeling the weight of the past few months lift off her shoulders. She reached out, squeezing his hand in silent gratitude. "I wouldn't have done this without you," she admitted quietly.

Prithvi shook his head, his gaze never leaving hers. "You did this on your own, Tara. I just believed in you, like you should always believe in yourself."

With those words, the reality of her achievement began to sink in. Tara took a deep breath, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment settle within her.

She looked down at the result paper in her hand, then back up at Prithvi, her smile finally breaking free, full and bright.

"Let's go," she said, her voice stronger now, filled with new confidence. "I can't wait to tell Manik, Maaji and everyone else."

Prithvi nodded, his own smile matching hers. They turned to leave, hand in hand, walking down the corridor together.

The other candidates and families gradually faded into the background, their whispers and glances nothing more than a distant hum.

As they stepped out into the open air, Tara felt a sense of freedom she hadn't felt in a long time. She looked up at the sky, the sun shining brightly, as if celebrating with her.

She squeezed Prithvi's hand tighter, her heart swelling with gratitude and love. This was the beginning of something new, and she was ready to embrace it with everything she had.







After leaving the exam center, Prithvi noticed the lingering emotions on Tara's face. To help her calm down and reflect, he suggested a visit to the temple before heading home.

"Let's stop by the temple," Prithvi said gently, holding her hand. "It's a good time to offer our thanks."

Tara nodded, feeling a sense of peace at the thought. The idea of seeking blessings after such a significant achievement felt comforting.

They drove to a nearby temple, nestled at the edge of a serene river. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden light over everything. The temple bells echoed softly in the distance as they climbed the stone steps, their footsteps quiet on the ancient, worn path.

Inside the temple, the air was thick with the scent of incense and flowers. Tara and Prithvi knelt before the deity, offering their prayers.

Tara closed her eyes, her heart full of gratitude for the strength she had been given to achieve this success. Beside her, Prithvi silently prayed for her continued happiness and success.

After they made their offerings, they lit a small oil lamp, placing it gently on the altar. The flame flickered in the gentle breeze, its light reflecting in Tara's eyes.

With the prayers done, they stepped outside the temple and wandered towards the riverbank that flowed alongside it.

The water moved slowly, reflecting the fading colors of the sky. They found a quiet spot and sat down on the smooth stone steps leading to the water.

Tara rested her head on Prithvi's shoulder, the cool breeze playing with the strands of her hair. They sat there in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the gentle lapping of the river and the distant murmur of the temple bells.

Prithvi wrapped his arm around her, pulling her a little closer. "You've done so well, Tara. I'm so proud of you."

Tara smiled softly, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions. "I couldn't have done it without you. Your support means everything to me."

Prithvi leaned his head against hers, his voice soft and reassuring. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

As they sat there, watching the sky darken and the first stars appear, Tara felt an overwhelming sense of peace and contentment. The stress and nervousness of the day began to melt away, replaced by a quiet joy.

This moment by the river, surrounded by nature and the soft sounds of the temple, felt like a blessing in itself-a reminder that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other.






As the car rolled up to the haveli, Tara noticed something unusual-the house was completely dark, not a single light shining from the windows. Prithvi slowed the car, his brows furrowing in concern.

"Why is everything so dark?" Tara asked, her voice laced with worry.

Prithvi didn't answer, but the same unease gripped him as they both quickly got out of the car. The silence around the haveli felt heavy, almost ominous.

"Tara, stay close," Prithvi said, taking her hand as they hurried towards the entrance.

Just as they reached the door, a sudden, shrill sound broke through the silence, startling them both.

Tara clutched Prithvi's arm tightly, her heart racing. But before they could react, something incredible happened.

One by one, the mashals lining the pathway to the house began to light up, their flames flickering to life and casting a warm, golden glow.

Tara's fear quickly turned into bewilderment as the entire pathway was illuminated, revealing figures standing at the entrance.

Kusum, Manish, and several others stood there, their faces lit with broad smiles. At the sight of them, Tara's panic melted away, replaced by a wave of surprise and emotion.

Kusum stepped forward, holding a silver tray with an aarti lamp. She gently waved it in front of Tara, performing the traditional aarti with a reverent smile on her face.

Tara's eyes widened, a thin layer of tears forming as she realized what was happening. This was a celebration-one for her, for her achievement.

The warmth of the moment overwhelmed her, and she felt tears welling up, not from fear, but from sheer happiness.

"Ma..." Tara whispered, her voice choked with emotion as Kusum finished the aarti and placed a small tilak on Tara's forehead.

"You've made us all so proud, beta," Kusum said softly, her eyes shining with pride and love.

Just then, Manik, who had been hidden behind the adults, suddenly sprang out, laughing as he leaped into Manish's arms. "Maa! Baba!" he squealed in delight, his joy infectious.

Manish lifted him high, grinning as Manik bounced in his arms, his excitement mirroring the happiness of everyone around.

Tara couldn't hold back her tears any longer. They spilled over, but she didn't bother to wipe them away. The love and pride radiating from her family made this moment more precious than any award or rank.

Prithvi, standing beside her, placed a reassuring hand on her back, his own heart swelling with pride and love for his wife.

He had known that she would be successful, but seeing her welcomed home like this, surrounded by the people who cared for her, was more than he had imagined.

"Welcome home, Tara," Kusum said, her voice soft and filled with warmth.

Tara looked around at the faces of her loved ones, all smiling at her with such affection. She felt a deep sense of belonging and gratitude, realizing that this success wasn't just hers-it was theirs.

Wiping her tears, Tara stepped forward and hugged Kusum tightly. "Thank you, Maaji," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

As they all walked into the brightly lit haveli, the joy of the moment lingered in the air, making the evening unforgettable.

Tara held Manik in her arms as Prithvi walked beside her, his hand gently resting on her back, guiding her home-both literally and in every other way that mattered.






As the celebrations continued, Manik's eyes fixated on the plate of samosas in Tara's hand.

The crispy, golden treats had been his favorite ever since he could remember, and the aroma was too tempting to resist.

He wiggled in Tara's lap, his small, immature arms reaching out as far as they could, though they could barely grasp the air.

"Maa, please, one more," Manik pleaded, his eyes wide and hopeful, his voice carrying a tone of innocent desperation.

Tara smiled gently, her heart swelling with love, but she held the plate just out of his reach.

"No, my manik, you've already eaten a lot of samosas," she said, her voice soft yet firm.

But Manik was determined. He wobbled slightly on her lap, trying to stand on his small legs to get closer to the samosas, his eyes never leaving the plate.

"Please, Maa," he repeated, stretching as much as he could, his little fingers twitching with the effort.

Tara's heart ached at the sight of his earnest attempt, but she knew she had to be firm.

She cupped his cheek with one hand and with the other, she brought a glass of water to his lips.

"Here, drink some water instead. It's better for you," she coaxed.

Manik pouted, his big eyes still longing for the samosa, but he obediently drank the water Tara offered.

As the cool liquid touched his lips, his shoulders relaxed a little, though his gaze still drifted back to the plate now set aside.

Seeing his disappointment, Tara gently stroked his hair.

"I know you want more, but too many samosas will upset your tummy," she whispered, kissing his forehead.

Manik sighed, accepting his mother's decision, and snuggled closer to her, his small frame finding comfort in her embrace.

Tara, sensing his quiet submission, wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. She looked around at the lively celebration, everyone engrossed in the joy of the moment, and quietly stood up with Manik in her arms.

Without drawing attention, she made her way to their room, Manik resting his head against her shoulder, his eyes already beginning to droop.

Tara carried Manik into their room, his small body resting peacefully in her arms as the noise from the celebration faded into the background.

Once inside, she gently placed him on the bed, careful not to wake him. His eyes fluttered open briefly, but the warmth of her touch kept him calm and drowsy.

With practiced ease, Tara began to change his clothes. She slipped off his small shirt , replacing it with a comfortable short pant and a soft, worn-out shirt that he loved.

Manik murmured something incoherent, his hands twitching slightly, but Tara hushed him with soothing words.

"Shh, my little one, it's time to sleep," she whispered as she pulled the blanket over him.

She sat beside him, her hand gently patting his back in a slow, rhythmic motion. Manik's breathing soon became deep and even, his little body relaxing into the bed.

Tara watched him, her heart swelling with love as she saw him drift deeper into sleep.

After a few more moments of gentle pats, Tara leaned down and kissed his forehead.

With a final glance at her sleeping son, Tara stood up, her heart still wrapped in the quiet contentment that only a mother's love can bring.






After taking her refreshing bath, Tara sat on the bed, gently massaging the small, delicate feet of her sleeping son, Manik.

His tiny form lay nestled under a light blanket, his breathing soft and even, as he slept soundly.

The room was quiet, save for the occasional rustling of leaves outside and the sound of water droplets dripping off Prithvi's hair.

Prithvi, having just finished his own bath, stood by the mirror, a plain white cloth wrapped around his waist as he dried his hair with a towel.

His eyes softened as he watched Tara, the sight of her caring for their son filling him with warmth. The scent of fresh attar still lingered in the air, mingling with the coolness of the night.

As he ran the towel through his damp hair, Prithvi casually spoke,

"You know, Sawan Somvaar is starting in a few days. Like Every year, we organize a fair near the Shiv Baba temple in the village."

Tara, still focused on massaging Manik's feet, looked up and met Prithvi's gaze, her eyes reflecting the serene happiness she felt in that moment.

"But this year," Prithvi continued, walking over to her,

"we'll have an even bigger celebration at home. Our haveli's temple has the idols of Baba Shiv and Mata Parvati, and with the good news we've had about you, it feels like the right time to celebrate. The whole household will be bustling with joy."

Tara's smile deepened at his words.Prithvi watched her for a moment, his expression thoughtful, then he reached over, gently taking the bottle of oil from her hand.

"Let me," he said softly, his voice tender.

Tara looked at him, surprised, as he poured some oil into his hands and began to massage her feet with slow, deliberate movements.

His touch was gentle yet firm, and she felt the tension in her muscles gradually easing under his care.

Tara instinctively tried to pull her feet away as Prithvi began to massage them, feeling a bit shy under his attentive gaze.

"You don't have to," she murmured, her voice soft but hesitant.

But Prithvi gently held her feet in place, looking up at her with a warm, reassuring smile.

"Let me do it,Tara " he insisted, his tone tender yet firm. "You've done so much today. This is the least I can do for you."

His hands moved with care, easing the tension in her muscles, and despite herself, Tara couldn't help but relax into his touch. The simple act, filled with so much love and sincerity, made her heart swell.

Tara, her eyes gleaming with a playful mischief, cupped Prithvi's face as he continued to tenderly massage her feet. Her touch was soft, yet it held an intent that made Prithvi's heart flutter.

Slowly, she leaned in, her lips brushing against his forehead in a kiss so light it felt like a feather's touch.

Prithvi closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of her affection, but when he opened them again, Tara's gaze had shifted to their sleeping son, Manik, who lay peacefully on the bed nearby.

With a knowing smile, Tara stood up, her every movement graceful and deliberate.

The room's soft lighting gave her an ethereal glow as she walked over to the corner, dimming the lights just enough to cast a gentle, intimate shadow across the room.

The atmosphere became thicker with anticipation as she returned to Prithvi, who watched her with eyes full of love and a growing desire.

Gently, but with an unspoken command, she guided Prithvi down onto the plush sofa, her hands firm against his chest.

He sank into the cushions, his breath catching in his throat as he looked up at her, his heart racing with the thrill of her control over the moment.

Tara straddled him, her knees sinking into the soft sofa on either side of his hips, her fingers tracing slow, deliberate patterns along his temples.

She began to kiss him, but in a way that left him longing for more. Her lips first pressed against his forehead, lingering there as if sealing a promise. Then she moved lower, planting kisses on each of his eyelids, making him see stars behind closed eyes.

As her mouth hovered over his nose, she let out a soft, teasing breath, brushing against his skin but not quite touching, leaving him aching for the connection.

Finally, she kissed his cheeks, taking her time with each one, her lips so close to his own that he could almost feel their softness, but she never let them meet his.

Prithvi's hands, which had been resting on her hips, tightened their grip, his body tensing under the teasing pressure she exerted.

Tara's eyes twinkled with delight at his obvious frustration, her smile wicked yet full of love.Her hands moved downward, resting on his chest, her fingers tracing over the muscles there.

Without thinking, they brushed against his nipples, and Prithvi sucked in a sharp breath, the unexpected sensation sending a shiver through him.

Tara, noticing the effect she was having, let her fingers linger, drawing slow, lazy circles that made his breath hitch.

She leaned closer, her lips now just a whisper away from his, but instead of granting him the kiss he so desperately wanted, she veered off to the side, pressing a kiss against the corner of his mouth, then pulling back with a satisfied smile.

Prithvi groaned softly, his frustration palpable, but he couldn't help but smile back at her, caught up in her playful game.Tara, enjoying every moment of his torment, finally brought her lips back to his face, kissing along his jawline, her hands still teasing his chest.

She was taking her time, savoring the power she held over him in this moment, knowing that each kiss she withheld made his desire for her grow even stronger.

The air between them was electric, charged with the promise of what could be, yet steeped in the love that had kept them so deeply connected for all these years.

Prithvi was lost in the sensation, his mind fogged with nothing but thoughts of her, of how much he loved this woman who could make him feel so utterly and completely at her mercy.

Tara's eyes softened as she gazed down at Prithvi, the playful mischief still lingering in her smile. Slowly, she leaned in again, her fingers threading through his damp hair, the strands still cool and slick from his recent bath.

She loved the feel of his hair against her fingertips, the way it curled slightly when wet.Prithvi closed his eyes, surrendering completely to the sensation of her touch.

Tara could feel his pulse quicken beneath her palms, a steady rhythm that matched the anticipation in the air.

She moved closer, her breath warm against his skin, and then she let her lips trail down from his jawline, her mouth barely brushing against his skin.

She took her time, her lips gliding down the side of his neck, kissing softly, then a little more firmly, as if savoring the taste of him.

Prithvi's breath hitched, his head tilting slightly to give her better access. The soft sounds of their breathing filled the room, mingling with the faint patter of rain outside, creating a cocoon of intimacy that shut out the world.

Tara's fingers tightened in his hair, gently tugging as she pressed her lips against the sensitive spot just below his ear. She lingered there, her breath teasing his skin, before moving lower, her mouth following the curve of his neck.

Each kiss was deliberate, her lips parting slightly as she nipped at his skin, leaving behind a trail of warmth that made his body shiver beneath her.

Prithvi's hands, which had been resting on her hips, slid up her back, his fingers tracing the outline of her spine through the fabric of her saare.

His touch was gentle but firm, the pads of his fingers leaving a path of fire in their wake.

Tara could feel the tension in his muscles, the way his body responded to every kiss, every caress, and it thrilled her to know that she could affect him this way.

As she kissed her way down his neck, Tara could feel Prithvi's heart beating faster, the steady thump echoing in her ears.

She paused for a moment, her lips hovering over his collarbone, feeling the warmth of his skin against her own.

She let her tongue flick out, tasting the salt of his skin, and heard him suck in a breath, his hands gripping her waist a little tighter.

She continued her journey, her kisses becoming more fervent, more insistent, as she moved across his neck and toward the other side.

Prithvi's head fell back against the sofa, his body arching slightly beneath her as he gave in to the pleasure she was so skillfully doling out.

Tara could feel the power she held in this moment, the way his body responded to her every touch, every kiss, and it made her heart swell with love for him.

When she finally pulled back, her lips swollen and her cheeks flushed, she met Prithvi's gaze. His eyes were dark with desire, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he looked up at her, completely captivated.

Tara smiled, a soft, tender smile that spoke of the deep affection she felt for him, and leaned in once more, this time pressing her forehead against his, her fingers still tangled in his hair.

As Tara finished her playful teasing, she noticed Prithvi's gaze soften, the mischievous glint in his eyes replaced by something deeper.

Her fingers slowly trailed down his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her touch. Instead of continuing with the teasing, she paused, letting the moment settle around them.

Prithvi's hands came up to gently cup her face, his thumbs tenderly brushing her cheeks. "You're everything I've ever wanted, Tara," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.

Tara's teasing smile softened as she leaned into his touch, her heart swelling with love. "And you're the only one who's ever made me feel this way, Prithvi," she murmured, her voice full of emotion.

Prithvi's eyes searched hers, filled with a love so profound that it made Tara's breath catch.

He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tight against his chest. Tara rested her head on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath, the strong beat of his heart echoing in her ear.

They sat there in silence, the world outside forgotten as they reveled in the warmth of each other's embrace. The playful teasing had given way to something far more precious-a quiet, unspoken understanding of how deeply they cherished one another.

Prithvi gently stroked her hair, his touch so tender it sent shivers down her spine. "No matter what happens, Tara, I'll always be here for you," he whispered into her hair. "I don't need anything else as long as I have you by my side."

Tara's heart fluttered at his words, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him as close as she could, feeling the depth of his love in every gentle touch.

They stayed like that, wrapped in each other's warmth, knowing that their bond was something rare and unbreakable. It was a love that went beyond words, beyond physical desire-something that would last forever.






1 𝙒𝙚𝙚𝙠 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧

In the early morning light, the family bustled with preparations for the Sawan Somvaar celebrations.

Prithvi, already dressed in his crisp white dhoti, was in the midst of helping Manik get ready.

The dhoti was an integral part of the tradition, and Prithvi had the delicate task of making sure Manik was dressed appropriately.

Manik, now six years old, was full of energy and curiosity. As Prithvi tried to wrap the dhoti around him, Manik wriggled and squirmed, finding the process more entertaining than solemn.

Prithvi, though patient, couldn't help but smile at his son's antics.

"Hold still, Manik," Prithvi said, his voice a mix of amusement and authority. He gently guided the fabric around Manik's waist, making sure the pleats were even and the fabric was secure.

Manik, with a mischievous grin, tried to spin around, causing the dhoti to twist and slip.

Prithvi chuckled softly and tightened his grip on the fabric.

"You're making it harder for me," he said, playfully tugging at the dhoti. He carefully adjusted the pleats, ensuring that the dhoti draped neatly.

Manik, though trying to be serious, couldn't resist a little dance, causing the dhoti to flutter with each movement.

With a final adjustment, Prithvi secured the waistband and patted down the fabric.

"There, all done," he said with satisfaction, stepping back to admire his handiwork. Manik looked down at himself, his small face beaming with pride as he admired his traditional attire.

Prithvi ruffled Manik's hair affectionately.

"You look just like me," he said, his voice filled with warmth. Manik beamed, clearly pleased with the compliment.

Despite the playful struggles, Prithvi's careful attention and love made the moment special.

As they prepared to leave for the Shiv Mandir, Prithvi's eyes lingered on Manik, who was now ready and looking every bit the part of a young celebrant.

Downstairs in the grand haveli, a buzz of activity filled the air. Tara, dressed in a stunning red saree with intricate gold embroidery-a gift from Prithvi-moved with grace and purpose.

The saree shimmered subtly in the light, and the rich gold embroidery added an elegant touch.

Her sindoor and nuptial chain complemented her traditional attire, enhancing her beauty and the sense of occasion.

Kusum and Manvi were busy with their tasks, their hands deftly arranging items to be taken to the Shiv Mandir.

They were making sure everything was prepared for the ceremonial visit, and their movements were purposeful and synchronized. Tara, despite her radiant attire, was fully engaged in the preparations.

She carried a tray with offerings and delicate items needed for the puja, her steps light yet deliberate.

At the same time, workers bustled around the haveli, decorating the large spaces to accommodate the puja later in the day. Strings of marigold flowers and colorful rangoli designs were carefully laid out.

The haveli's puja hall, with its idols of Baba Shiv and Mata Parvati, was being readied for the special ceremony. The air was filled with the soft fragrance of flowers and the faint sound of temple bells, enhancing the festive atmosphere.

As Tara worked, her focus was on ensuring that everything was perfect. She moved between different areas, helping with arrangements and coordinating with Kusum and Manvi.

Her saree flowed elegantly with each movement, and her demeanor radiated a serene determination. Despite the busy preparations, her presence added a calming elegance to the flurry of activity around her.







The sun, casting a warm, golden hue over the sacred Ganga Ghat as the family arrived.

The sound of the river flowing gently added to the serene atmosphere, and the air was filled with the soft murmurs of prayers and chants from other devotees who had gathered for the holy ritual.

The male members of the family, dressed in simple yet elegant white dhotis, made their way towards the river.

Prithvi, looking every bit the noble Thakur, held Manik firmly in his arms. The little boy, though used to the ritual, was still filled with excitement and curiosity as he clung to his father's shoulder, his small, immature arms resting on Prithvi's strong frame.

Before stepping into the water, Prithvi paused at the riverbank, his gaze softening as he bowed his head in reverence to the mighty Ganga.

"Maa Ganga," he whispered, his voice filled with devotion, "grant us your blessings and purify our souls."

With that, he carefully stepped into the cool, refreshing water, the gentle waves lapping against his legs as he waded in deeper.

Manik watched with wide eyes, a mix of awe and apprehension on his face. Prithvi, sensing his son's slight nervousness, held him closer, his grip firm yet reassuring.

As they reached the point where the water was waist-deep, Prithvi looked down at Manik and smiled.

"Ready, beta?" he asked softly. Manik nodded, trusting his father completely.

Prithvi then gently pinched Manik's nose shut, ensuring no water would enter. With a deep breath, he bent down, submerging both of them in the holy waters of the Ganga. The cold rush of the river enveloped them, cleansing and refreshing as they dipped beneath the surface.

After a brief moment, Prithvi stood up, lifting Manik out of the water and releasing his nose. Manik gasped slightly, taking in the fresh air as droplets of water dripped down his face. Prithvi's eyes shone with pride and tenderness as he looked at his son, who was now giggling with delight.

The other male members of the family followed suit, taking their dips in the Ganga with similar reverence. Meanwhile, the women, who had already bathed and prepared at home, stood on the riverbank, watching the ritual with calm, content smiles.

Tara, her red saree glowing in the morning light, observed Prithvi and Manik with a sense of deep fulfillment. The sight of her husband and son performing the sacred ritual together filled her heart with warmth.

Once the dip was complete, Prithvi and the others made their way back to the shore. The cool water trickled down their bodies as they emerged, the act of purification complete.

The family then gathered their offerings and moved toward the nearby Shiv Mandir to perform the puja, their hearts filled with devotion and their spirits renewed by the blessings of Maa Ganga.






The family approached the ancient Shiv Mandir, its stone walls adorned with intricate carvings of deities and symbols of devotion.

The temple stood as a testament to centuries of faith, with the sacred Shivlinga at its heart, revered by all who came to worship.

The fragrance of Dhuni filled the air, mingling with the sound of temple bells and the soft chants of mantras.

Prithvi, Tara, and Manik moved toward the center of the temple, where the Shivlinga was placed.

Prithvi, still damp from the Ganga dip, held the brass kalash filled with holy water, while Tara carried a plate of offerings-flowers, bael leaves, and sandalwood paste.

Manik, his eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and reverence, held into his baba's arms as they approached the sacred idol.

As they reached the Shivlinga, the priest guiding them through the ritual nodded in approval, sensing their deep devotion.

Prithvi knelt first, positioning the kalash above the Shivlinga. Tara knelt beside him, gently taking Manik in her arms and rest her hand on the kalash alongside Prithvi's.

Together, as a family, they began to pour the holy water, watching as it cascaded over the dark stone, washing away the small offerings that had been placed earlier.

The water glistened under the soft glow of the temple lamps, flowing in delicate streams over the Shivlinga, symbolizing the purification of the soul and the offering of their prayers to Lord Shiva.

Tara closed her eyes, silently whispering her hopes and prayers for the family's well-being, while Prithvi maintained his steady hold, his thoughts focused on seeking blessings for their future.

Manik, though young, felt the significance of the moment. He looked up at his parents, seeing their closed eyes and serene expressions, and mimicked their actions, he closed his eyes and started to pray.

After the water was poured, Prithvi reached for the bael leaves and placed them on the Shivlinga with reverence, followed by the flowers that Tara handed him.

The priest then took the plate from Tara and began to chant the holy mantras, ringing the temple bell rhythmically as the sound reverberated through the temple, adding to the spiritual atmosphere.

As the puja came to an end, the priest offered them the sacred flame, the aarti. Prithvi, Tara, and Manik each passed their hands over the flame, bringing them to their foreheads, symbolizing the acceptance of divine blessings. The priest then blessed them, placing a small mark of sandalwood paste on each of their foreheads.

With the puja complete, Prithvi and Tara exchanged a look of deep satisfaction and peace. They had offered their prayers as a family, their hearts filled with a sense of spiritual fulfillment.

Manik, sensing the end of the ritual, looked up at his parents with a bright smile, feeling the warmth of their love and the blessings of the divine.

Together, they stepped out of the temple, the sound of the bells and the scent of dhuni lingering in their senses as they made their way back home, their spirits uplifted by the sacred experience.







The evening air buzzed with the sound of women singing bhajans, their voices filling the haveli with a sacred warmth.

Tara, resplendent in the red saree with gold embroidery covering her face moved gracefully as she served tea to the elders.

The Sawan Somvar celebration was in full swing, with the scent of incense and the rustle of silk creating an atmosphere of devotion and festivity.

After serving the tea, Tara slipped into the kitchen to fetch sweets and snacks.

But before she could return, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into a corner. She gasped softly, immediately recognizing the familiar scent and touch of her husband.

Prithvi stood before her, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He was dressed in a clean white dhoti, a white shawl was draped loosely over his bare chest,the fabric hanging just right to reveal his strong six-pack abs giving him a commanding yet playful look.

Tara immediately tried to wiggle out of his grasp, her heart racing.

"Let me go! Someone might see us," she whispered urgently, but Prithvi only tightened his hold, his smile widening as he watched her struggle.

"And where do you think you're going, my dear?" he teased, his voice low and filled with amusement. "Still in a rush, just like last week?"

His words made Tara freeze, her mind flashing back to when she had playfully teased him, denying him the kiss he had been so eager for.

Her cheeks flushed with the memory, and she realized with a flutter in her stomach that he was now intent on returning the favor.

"Please let me...," she began, but he interrupted her, leaning in so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath against her ear.

"Taking a payback of last week from my wife, so I don't care if anyone sees," he whispered, his tone both teasing and full of intent.

Tara's heart pounded as she felt his lips brush against the sensitive skin of her neck, his touch light enough to send shivers down her spine.

She tried to keep her composure, to remind herself that she needed to get back to the guests, but the way his hands slid down her sides, teasingly slow, made it impossible to think straight.

"Please, I really need to-" she tried again, but her words were cut off as his lips found the hollow of her throat, planting a lingering kiss that made her knees weak.

"You are in such a hurry to escape" he murmured against her skin, his fingers playing with the edge of her saree's pallu.

"But I've got all the time in the world"

Tara's breath hitched as he tugged gently at the fabric, his hand moving with deliberate slowness as if to torment her with anticipation.

She knew he was drawing out the moment on purpose, just as she had done to him before, and now she was helpless to resist the effect it had on her.

"Ummhmm...," she moaned softly, her voice trembling, but he only smiled, his eyes darkening with a playful challenge.

"Tell me, do you regret teasing me then?" he asked, his lips grazing her jawline as he spoke.

His free hand slid to the small of her back, pulling her closer so that she could feel the strength of his body against hers.

Tara tried to respond, but the words caught in her throat as he tilted her chin up, his gaze locking with hers.

The intensity in his eyes made her heart race, and she felt a warmth spreading through her that had nothing to do with the summer heat.

"Do you?" he pressed, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, his lips now hovering just above hers.

Before she could answer, he pulled back slightly, a smirk playing on his lips as he reached into the folds of his shawl.

"Actually, I've got something for you," he said, holding up a neatly folded piece of paper just out of her reach.

Tara blinked, momentarily confused, but then curiosity overtook her. She reached for the paper, only for Prithvi to pull it back, making her frown in frustration.

"Stop teasing," she said, trying to grab it again, but he held it high, his smirk widening.

"Now you know how I felt last week," he quipped, clearly enjoying her reaction. He finally relented, handing the paper to her with a playful flourish.

As Tara unfolded the paper, her breath caught in her throat. It was a medical college application form.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, then filled with tears as she looked up at him, the teasing momentarily forgotten.

"You... did this for me?" she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Prithvi's teasing smile softened, and he nodded, his hand coming to rest gently on her cheek.

"I want you to achieve all your dreams," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "This is just the beginning, Tara. You deserve this and so much more."

Her heart swelled with love, and she leaned in, their lips finally about to meet in a kiss that would seal this perfect moment-but just as their lips brushed,

" Tara Beta " they heard Kusum calling for Tara.

Instead of releasing her, Prithvi tightened his hold, his arm wrapping more securely around her waist.

Tara's eyes widened in surprise as she instinctively began to wiggle in his grasp, trying to free herself.

"Maaji is calling," she whispered urgently.

But Prithvi wasn't ready to let her go. He just held her closer, his voice a playful murmur against her ear,

"Let her wait. I'm not done with you yet." he whispered, his tone carrying the weight of a sweet revenge.

Tara's attempts to wriggle free only made him chuckle, his embrace becoming more unyielding.

Tara's pulse quickened, her breath catching as she felt the warmth of his body pressed against hers, his strong arms holding her tight.

Despite the urgency of Kusum's call, she couldn't help but be caught up in the moment, her protests growing weaker.

Finally, with a mischievous glint in his eye, Prithvi leaned in and pressed a soft, teasing kiss to the corner of her lips.

"Now go," he said with a wink, loosening his hold just enough to let her slip away. "But remember, I'm not letting you off that easily next time."

Tara hurried off, her face flushed, heart racing, and the medical college form clutched tightly to her chest. Even as she moved back, the sensation of his arms around her and the promise in his words lingered, making her smile secretly to herself.

She looked back at him, clutching the form to her chest, her eyes shining with happiness.

Despite his teasing, she knew this moment-this act of love-was one she would cherish forever.








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