2 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧

Tara was hunched over her books, her brows furrowed in concentration as she tried to memorize another set of English vocabulary words.

The house was quiet except for the occasional rustle of papers and the faint sound of rain tapping against the windows.

Prithvi walked into the room, quietly observing his wife. Her determination was admirable, but he could see the strain in her eyes.

TWO YEARS had passed since they began this intense journey, both in their studies and their marriage.

Tara had seen the stern, disciplined side of Prithvi as her teacher, but she'd also felt his unwavering support as her husband.

But now she needed a break. With a mischievous grin, he approached her, gently closing the book she was reading.

Tara looked up, startled.

"What are you doing? I need to study!"

Prithvi shook his head, his eyes twinkling.

"You need a break. Come with me."

" But exam -" Before Tara could finish Prithvi interfere in between.

" You still have 2 weeks in hand " said Prithvi.

Before she could protest, he grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the chair. Tara followed him, half-confused and half-amused. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," Prithvi said, leading her outside. The rain had stopped, leaving the air fresh and cool. He guided her to the courtyard, where his motorcycle was waiting.

Manik was already sitting on the motorcycle, his small face lighting up with excitement when he saw his mother.

Tara's eyes widened in surprise. "What is this?"

Prithvi grinned. "Our chariot for the evening. Hop on."

With a laugh, Tara climbed onto the bike behind Prithvi, clutching his shoulders. Prithvi had carefully secured Manik in front of him, ensuring the boy was safely strapped in.

"All set, Manik?" Prithvi asked, adjusting the straps one last time.

Manik nodded enthusiastically, his face beaming with joy. "Yes, Baba!"

Prithvi started the engine, and they rode through the village, the cool breeze whipping past them. Tara's laughter filled the air as Prithvi accelerated, the world around them blurring into a mix of colors and sounds. Manik giggled.

They reached a small hill just outside the village, where Prithvi had set up a makeshift picnic. A blanket was spread out with some snacks and a kettle of hot chai.

Tara's heart swelled with affection. "You did all this for us?"

Prithvi smiled, his eyes softening. "You needed a break. Studying is important, but so is taking care of yourself."

They sat down on the blanket, enjoying the view of the setting sun. Tara sipped her chai, feeling the warmth spread through her. Manik sat comfortably in his mother's lap, nibbling on a piece of fruit that Tara held in front of his mouth.

"This is perfect," she said, leaning against Prithvi. "Thank you."

He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "Anything for you, Tara."

They spent the next hour talking, laughing, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Prithvi's playful teasing and Tara's infectious laughter echoed through the hills, creating a memory that would stay with them forever. Manik's cheerful laughed added to the joyous atmosphere.

As the sky turned a deep shade of indigo, dotted with stars, they finally decided to head back. The ride home was slower, more relaxed, with Tara resting her head on Prithvi's shoulder and Manik dozing off in his mother's arms.

When they reached home, Tara felt rejuvenated, her stress melted away. She hugged Prithvi tightly. "I needed this. Thank you."

Prithvi kissed her forehead. "Anytime. Now, let's get back to studying. But remember, it's okay to take breaks."

Tara nodded, her spirit lifted. With renewed energy, she returned to her studies, grateful for the love and support of her husband.

As she opened her books again, she felt more confident and ready for her upcoming board exams, knowing that Prithvi and Manik were there to cheer her on.








The soft glow of the oil lamp bathed the room in a warm, golden light, illuminating the stacks of textbooks and scattered papers on the table.

Tara and Prithvi sat together, their focus intense as they reviewed her notes. Tara's brow was furrowed in concentration, her pencil moving with precision across her notebook.

"Not again, Tara," Prithvi said with a sigh, his eyes scanning the page where she had labeled the kidney diagram incorrectly.

"You've mislabeled the renal pelvis again."

Tara's shoulders sagged with frustration. "I don't understand why I keep making this mistake. I've studied this so many times."

Prithvi's expression hardened, taking on a more stern, teacher-like demeanor.

"Tara, you have only one week left before the exam. You need to take this more seriously. Let's go through it again."

He pointed to the diagram with a sharp gesture.

"This is the renal cortex, and this is the medulla. The renal pelvis is this section here. You need to remember this."

Tara nodded, her face tense with determination and a hint of anxiety. "Yes, I understand."

Just then, the door to the study room creaked open, and Kusum stepped in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She surveyed the scene with a mixture of amusement and concern.

"Well, well, what do we have here? My son working his poor wife to the bone."

Prithvi looked up, slightly startled. "Maa, we're just trying to get Tara ready for her exam."

Kusum walked over, her expression a blend of playful scolding and motherly affection.

"Oh, I can see that. But have you forgotten that our Tara needs a break too? All this studying without a breather isn't good for her."

Prithvi stood up, raising an eyebrow at Kusum's playful authority.

"Maa, she needs to get this right. She only has a week left."

Kusum put her hands on her hips and gave Prithvi a mock stern look.

"Ooye tu apni teacher giri apne pass rakh, mere upar yeh sab naa chelegi"

( Hey, keep your teaching to yourself, this won't work on me.)

Tara looked up, her face lighting up at the sight of Kusum. "I didn't realize how late it was. I'm just so focused for the exam."

Kusum placed a gentle hand on Tara's shoulder.

"Beta Tu iski baaton mein dhayan maat de yeh toh hai he nalayak."

(Dear, don't pay attention to what he says, he's useless.)

Prithvi, realizing his mother's wisdom, nodded reluctantly.

"Alright, but just a short break."

Kusum winked at him, her eyes twinkling with humor. "Of course, a short break."

Kusum guided Tara gently out of the room, and Prithvi watched them go with a fond smile. He knew Kusum's playful scolding was just her way of showing care.

As they stepped out into the cool evening air, Tara took a deep breath, savoring the relief from the study pressure.

Kusum led Tara to a comfortable spot in the garden, where the scent of blooming flowers mingled with the fresh air.

"Sit here and relax," Kusum said, patting a cushioned bench.

"Take some time for yourself. You've worked so hard."

Tara sat down, her shoulders relaxing for the first time in hours. Kusum poured her a cup of tea and handed it to her.

"You're doing wonderfully, Tara. Don't let the stress get to you."

Tara took a sip, feeling the warmth of the tea seep into her.

"Thank you, Maaji. I needed this."

As the evening sun cast a gentle glow over the garden, Tara and Kusum chatted about lighter topics, their laughter blending with the sounds of nature.

The brief respite provided Tara with a much-needed break, allowing her to return to her studies later with renewed energy and focus.

Back in the study room, Prithvi organized the papers and tidied up, looking forward to the time when he could rejoin Tara in their study sessions.







The sun had just begun to rise, casting a golden hue over the courtyard where Tara stood ready for her big day her life's first ever exam.

She was standing in front of Kusum, who was performing the traditional aarti with a calm and loving demeanor.

Member of the household was present except Deepak, their eyes reflecting both pride and encouragement. After finishing the aarti, Kusum carefully applied a chandan tika on Tara's forehead, followed by Prithvi's, ensuring that the mark of blessing was on both of them.

As Kusum completed the tika ritual, little Manik, who was nestled comfortably in Prithvi's arms, raised his tiny immature hand and made a soft whine.

His gaze was fixed on the tika, and he reached out, clearly wanting his own share of blessings. With a smile, Kusum gently applied a small tika on Manik's forehead, making him giggle with delight.

"Me too! Me too!" Manik said, looking up at Tara with wide eyes and a grin.

"I want to be all lucky like you!"

With a chuckle, Kusum said,

"You are already lucky, little one."

Next came the curd and sugar ritual. Kusum offered Tara a spoonful of the sweet mixture, a traditional gesture for good luck and a smooth journey. Manik, not wanting to miss out, reached out with a curious look.

"Me too! I want some of that Dahi!"

Tara smiled, feeding him a tiny bit. "Here you go, my love. You are already sweet as always!"

The vintage black car, a stunning example of 1950s elegance, was parked nearby, its polished surface glistening in the morning light. The sight of it seemed to elevate the excitement of the day.

Tara, her heart full of gratitude and anticipation, bowed and touched Kusum's feet in a gesture of respect and thanks. Tara then gently took Manik from Prithvi's arms, planting a soft kiss on his forehead.

Manik looked up at her, eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Are you going to win a prize for being the best student, Maa? Can I have a prize too?"

Tara laughed softly, brushing a lock of hair from his forehead.

"You'll have to be a good boy and wait until I get back. Then we'll see."

With a final glance at Kusum and Manik, Prithvi opened the car door for Tara, helping her into the passenger seat. He took his place behind the stearing wheel, ready to drive.

As Prithvi started the car, he looked back briefly. Kusum and Manik were waving enthusiastically, and Kusum called out, "Drive carefully, Prithvi! And Tara, good luck!"

Prithvi nodded, his face breaking into a reassuring smile. "We will," he said, as he focused on the road ahead. The car began to move, with Tara beside him and the city beckoning in the distance.

The journey was about to begin, and with the blessings and support of her loved ones, Tara felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.








As Prithvi carefully navigated the vintage black car through the bustling streets of the city, Tara's excitement grew with each passing moment. The car eventually pulled up in front of the grand, old building that housed the exam center.

The imposing structure, with its classical architecture and large, wooden doors, stood as a testament to the history and tradition of the time.Prithvi parked the car and turned to Tara with a reassuring smile.

"We're here," he said, his voice filled with encouragement. Tara, her heart racing with a mixture of nerves and excitement, nodded and took a deep breath.

As they entered the building, Tara's anxiety spiked. The hall was crowded with male candidates, their faces a mix of concentration and nervousness.

Tara's heart sank as she realized she was one of the very few women in the room. She felt her palms grow clammy as the realization of being under such scrutiny dawned on her.The male candidates glanced over at Tara with curiosity and, in some cases, amusement.

Whispers and glances followed her as she walked past, her presence clearly a rarity in the otherwise all-male environment. Tara's cheeks flushed with discomfort under the weight of their stares.

Prithvi, noticing the way others were looking at Tara, tightened his grip on her hand for a moment, his expression darkening.

He glared back at the male candidates with a possessive and protective gaze that seemed to convey his displeasure at their scrutiny.

"Don't let them bother you," Prithvi said softly, his voice low but firm.

"You're here because you've worked hard, and you deserve to be here just as much as anyone else."

As they walked towards the registration desk, Tara couldn't help but notice the curious glances from the male candidates.

Some looked at her with mild interest, while others openly stared, their eyes widening in surprise at her presence.

Prithvi, sensing the change in her demeanor, cast a stern glance at the gawking men. His gaze was firm, filled with a protective intensity that made it clear he wouldn't tolerate any disrespect towards Tara.

"Keep your eyes to yourselves,"

Prithvi's glare seemed to say. The men quickly looked away, their amusement fading under the weight of his gaze.

When Tara and Prithvi reached the registration desk, the examiner, a stern-faced man, greeted them with a nod. Tara took a deep breath, gathering her composure as Prithvi stood close by, offering silent support.

Despite the crowd and the stares, Tara felt a surge of determination. She was ready to face this challenge, with Prithvi by her side and the knowledge she had worked so hard to acquire.

As Tara finally stepped into the exam hall, the room fell eerily silent. The buzz of chatter and rustling papers ceased abruptly as every pair of eyes turned toward her.

The atmosphere, once filled with casual conversation, now felt charged with an intense focus. The sudden quiet was almost palpable, amplifying the sound of Tara's footsteps as she walked in.

Tara's heart pounded in her chest, and she gripped her pens and admit card tightly, trying to steady her trembling hands. Her gaze darted around the room, searching for her assigned seat amid the sea of unfamiliar faces.

The boys, who moments ago had been engaged in animated discussions, now sat rigidly, their eyes following her every move with a mix of curiosity and surprise.

The rows of desks seemed to stretch endlessly, each one occupied by a young man whose gaze shifted between Tara and their own exam papers.

The intensity of their stares made Tara's cheeks flush with a deep pink. She could feel the weight of their scrutiny, as if every step she took was being analyzed and judged.

Tara finally spotted her seat in the far corner of the hall. She made her way over, her steps quickening as she sought refuge in the relative privacy of the corner desk.

As she settled into her seat, she took another deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering discomfort from the stares.

The room remained silent for a few more moments before the examiner's voice cut through the tension, calling out instructions.

Tara's focus shifted back to the exam ahead, determined to concentrate on the task at hand despite the initial discomfort.







As the exam started, everyone became immersed in their own work. The focus of the day was the English exam, and the room buzzed with the sound of scribbling pens and rustling papers.

Outside, Prithvi settled himself at a small tea stall situated under the shade of a large tree. The stall had two long wooden benches, providing a simple yet comfortable resting place. He ordered a cup of tea and watched the bustling street, his thoughts drifting back to Tara.

Time seemed to pass slowly for Prithvi as he waited. He couldn't help but think about how hard Tara had worked to reach this point. Every now and then, he'd glance toward the building, feeling a mix of pride and anticipation.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the exam ended. Students began to trickle out of the hall, their faces showing a range of emotions from relief to anxiety. Prithvi's eyes scanned the crowd, searching for Tara.

When she emerged, her face lit up with a radiant smile. She quickly spotted Prithvi and, without hesitation, ran towards him. The moment she reached him, she threw her arms around him in a tight embrace, like a child seeking comfort and assurance.

Prithvi was momentarily taken aback but then laughed softly, wrapping his arms around her. "You did it!" he said, his voice filled with pride.

"I'm so glad it's over," Tara murmured, her face buried in his shoulder. "I think I did well."

"I never doubted you," Prithvi replied, stroking her back soothingly.

After a moment, they pulled apart, and Prithvi guided her to one of the wooden benches. He ordered another cup of tea for Tara, and they sat together, enjoying the shade and the peaceful moment.

Tara sipped her tea, her nerves slowly unwinding as they chatted about the exam and their plans for the rest of the day.

As they sat down at the tea stall, Prithvi pulled out Tara's question paper, which she had brought with her. "Alright, let's go over this," he said with a smile, eager to discuss the answers.

Tara eagerly handed him the paper. "I'm so nervous! Let's see how I did."

Prithvi began reading through the questions, and Tara started recounting her answers. They discussed each one, sometimes laughing at the tricky wording or debating the correct response.

"You nailed this part," Prithvi said, pointing to one of the essay questions. "Your handwriting is even better than mine."

Tara blushed at the compliment. "I had a good teacher," she said softly.

At this, both of them laughed, the tension of the exam melting away as they shared the moment of light-heartedness.







The day of the math exam dawned, and Tara was visibly anxious. She had given several exams by now, but this one felt different. The weight of the subject and the complexity of the problems made her feel on edge.

Tara sat in the study room, surrounded by notes and textbooks, attempting to calm her racing mind.

Prithvi noticed her worry and came to sit beside her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Tara, you've prepared well for this," he said gently. "You know the formulas and the steps. Just take it one problem at a time."

Tara sighed, her fingers nervously tapping her pencil against the table.

"Math has always been my weakest subject. What if I forget everything?"

"You won't," Prithvi said firmly. "Just breathe and focus. You've got this."

Kusum entered the room, sensing the tension. "Tara, don't worry too much. You've worked hard, and that's what matters."

She handed Tara a glass of milk and some almonds.

"Have these. They'll help you concentrate."

Tara smiled weakly and accepted the snack. After a few more minutes of last-minute revisions, it was time to leave for the exam center. The family gathered once more to see her off, offering words of encouragement.

Manik, for the first time, wanted to go with them. The three of them got into the car.

As they drove to the exam center, Prithvi kept glancing at Tara, who was lost in her thoughts, silently reviewing formulas and problem-solving techniques.

When they arrived, Tara took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "Here goes nothing," she muttered.

Prithvi squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You'll do great. Just take your time and remember everything we've practiced."






The exam began, and Tara took a deep breath, diving into the problems. She remembered Prithvi's advice and tackled each question methodically.

Meanwhile, Prithvi and Manik waited outside at the tea stall. Prithvi had packed some puri and sabzi for Manik, knowing the little one would get hungry.

The tea stall was under the shade of a large banyan tree, with two long wooden benches set up for customers.

Prithvi and Manik sat together, the little boy's legs swinging back and forth as he eagerly waited for his food.

"Baba, I'm hungry," Manik said, looking up at Prithvi with wide eyes.

Prithvi smiled and unpacked the puri and sabzi that he had thoughtfully prepared.

"Alright, let's eat."He fed Manik, who happily munched on the food.

" You makes the best puri Baba," Manik said between bites.Prithvi chuckled.

"Thank you my sona" said Prithvi smilingly.

As they waited, Prithvi sipped on a cup of chai, his mind wandering to Tara. He knew how much this exam meant to her and how hard she had worked for it.

He glanced at his wrist watch, mentally counting down the minutes until she would be finished.Finally, the exam time ended, and Tara emerged from the exam hall.

She seemed a bit sad and nervous, her shoulders slumped. Prithvi noticed her immediately and stood up with Manik in his arms.Tara walked towards them, her eyes downcast.

But as soon as she saw Manik's excited face, her stress began to melt away. She quickened her pace and reached them, wrapping her arms around Prithvi and Manik in a tight hug.

Prithvi hugged her back and then pulled away slightly, cupping her face in his hands.

"You did your best, Tara. That's all that matters. And today, we're going to enjoy ourselves. Manik came along, so we can roam the city fair and make it a special day."

Manik, sensing the shift in mood and squealed "Yay!"







Tara extended a golgappa towards Manik's mouth, who was comfortably nestled in Prithvi's arms.

The air was filled with the smell of spices and the chatter of excited fair-goers. They stood in front of a golgappa stall, surrounded by other enthusiastic customers.

"Open wide, Manik!" Tara said playfully, bringing the golgappa closer to Manik's mouth.

Manik's eyes widened in excitement, his small mouth opening eagerly. Tara carefully guided the golgappa, making sure it didn't spill. As soon as it entered his mouth, Manik's face lit up with delight, and a bit of the tangy water dribbled down his chin.

Prithvi chuckled at the sight.

"Looks like someone is loving golgappas!" he said, wiping Manik's chin with his handkerchief.

"Your turn now," Tara said, turning to Prithvi with another golgappa. She extended it towards him with a teasing grin.

Prithvi leaned forward, trying to bite into the golgappa without getting too messy. Just as he did, Tara mischievously pulled it back a little, causing him to follow her hand with his mouth open, looking quite comical.

"Hey! Not fair!" Prithvi protested, laughing.

Tara finally let him take a bite, and as he savored the crunchy snack, she popped one into her own mouth, closing her eyes to enjoy the burst of flavors.

They stood there, eating a few more golgappas, enjoying the light-hearted moments. Prithvi even tried feeding Tara one, but his first attempt was clumsy, and the golgappa almost fell apart, making them both laugh.

After they finished eating, they started to roam the fair again. Manik's eyes were soon drawn to a stall with colorful toys.

"Baba, see!" Manik pointed to a shop filled with colorful soft toys, his eyes wide with excitement.

Prithvi followed his son's gaze and saw a shop with an array of plush animals and dolls. Tara and Prithvi exchanged amused glances before making their way to the shop.

The shopkeeper greeted them warmly, "Welcome! Please, have a look around."

Manik's eyes scanned the shelves until they landed on a giant teddy bear, nearly as tall as Tara. "Baba, I want that one!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder.

Prithvi chuckled, looking at the massive teddy bear. "Are you sure, Manik? It's almost as big as Maa."

Manik nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, Baba! It's perfect!"

Tara laughed, "Alright, let's get it for him."

Prithvi handed over the money to the shopkeeper, who carefully lifted the huge teddy bear and handed it to Prithvi. Prithvi then placed it in Manik's embrace, supporting it so Manik could hold onto it.

Manik's face lit up with joy as he tried to hug the massive teddy bear. "Thank you, Baba! Thank you, Maa!" he said, his smile brighter than ever.

"You're welcome, my little prince," Tara said, kissing the top of his head.

As they walked away from the shop, the giant teddy bear almost obscured Manik's tiny frame, making Tara and Prithvi laugh.

"You're going to need help carrying that, Manik," Prithvi teased, adjusting the teddy bear in Manik's grip.

Manik giggled, "Teddy is my new best friend!"

The family continued their stroll through the fair, the sight of Manik clutching the enormous teddy bear drawing smiles from passersby. Tara and Prithvi couldn't stop laughing, their hearts full of joy at their son's delight.

Prithvi, carrying Manik, strolled through the fair with Tara, but the enormous teddy bear Manik wanted obstructed his view.

"This one's too big for me to carry along with you," Prithvi said with a chuckle, as he tried to adjust the teddy bear and Manik.

Tara took the teddy bear from Prithvi. "I'll carry it," she said, balancing the large stuffed toy in her arms.

Prithvi's eyes caught a bangle stall where several ladies were browsing. He held Tara's wrist and gently guided her toward the shop.

"Let's take a look at those bangles," he said.

At the bangle stall, the shopkeeper greeted them with a warm smile. "Please, take your time. We have the finest bangles in all colors."

Prithvi encouraged Tara to try some on. "See anything you like?"

Tara hesitated, but then she spotted a set of bangles that caught her eye. She slipped them onto her wrist, the colorful glass shining against her skin.

"Those look beautiful on you," Prithvi remarked, admiring the bangles.

Blushing, Tara smiled. "Thank you," she said softly.

Manik, in Prithvi's arms, touched the new bangles on Tara's wrist. "Pretty, Maa," he said with a grin.

Tara laughed and kissed Manik on the cheek. "I'm glad you like them, my little prince."

Prithvi nodded to the shopkeeper. "We'll take these."

As the shopkeeper wrapped the bangles, Prithvi paid for them. He handed the package to Tara, who accepted it gratefully.

"For you," he said with a smile.

Tara held the package close. "Thank you," she repeated, her eyes sparkling.

With the teddy bear in one hand and the bangle package in the other, Tara felt a deep sense of happiness. Prithvi, carrying Manik, smiled at the sight of his happy family, feeling content and grateful for these precious moments together.

As they continued strolling, Tara's eyes caught sight of a dress shop with a display of male shirts. She pointed excitedly. "Look, Manik, those shirts would look great on your Baba."

Prithvi shook his head with a smile. "No, Tara. You both had your things. I'm happy with that. I don't need anything for myself."

But Tara was determined. "Come on, you deserve something nice too," she insisted.

Manik, catching on, chimed in, "Yes, Baba, new shirt!"

"No, no, absolutely not. I'm fine, really," said Prithvi.

Tara gave him a playful nudge. "You have to buy new clothes."

"Yes, Baba," Manik added with a serious nod.

"No, I-" Before Prithvi could say something, Tara dragged Prithvi towards the shop despite his exaggerated protests. "Help, I'm being kidnapped by my own family!"

With a grin, he allowed himself to be pulled along, feeling grateful for their love and care.

They entered the tent, greeted by an array of colorful fabrics and traditional garments. The shopkeeper, a cheerful middle-aged man, greeted them warmly. "Welcome! Feel free to browse. If you need any help, just let me know."

Tara began looking through the display, pulling out various shirts and kurtas. She picked a few that caught her eye and approached the shopkeeper.

"Can you show me these shirts? I'd like to see how they look."

Tara then held the shirt up against Prithvi's back, adjusting the fit as best as she could.Prithvi chuckled, slightly amused by the impromptu fitting session.

Tara stepped back, assessing the shirt.

"It looks good on you," she said, nodding in approval.

"Let's try another one."She chose a crisp white shirt next and repeated the process.

The shopkeeper unfolded it, and Tara held it up to Prithvi, adjusting it against his back.

"How does this one look?" Tara asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.Prithvi turned slightly, checking the fit.

"This one feels a bit more comfortable," he admitted, smiling at Tara's enthusiasm.Manik looked up at his father with wide eyes.

"You look nice, Baba!"

Tara beamed at Prithvi. "We'll take both of these."

Next, Tara picked out a few more shirts and kurtas for other family members, including Kusum. She chose a beautiful sari, envisioning how perfect it would look on her mother-in-law.

Prithvi, noticing Tara's choices, added, " We should also get something for Manik too ".

Tara's eyes wandered through the array of small garments displayed at the fair's clothing tent.

She picked out a charming red and white kurta with intricate embroidery that immediately caught her attention. The kurta had a playful yet traditional design, perfect for her little man.

Excited, Tara approached Prithvi, who was holding Manik in his arms. "Look at this!" she said, holding up the kurta for them to see. "Isn't it adorable?"

Manik's eyes widened with delight as he looked at the kurta. "I like it, Maa!" he exclaimed.

To ensure the kurta was the right size, Prithvi carefully set Manik on a nearby bench.

Tara helped Manik into the kurta, adjusting it gently around his tiny frame. Manik looked absolutely adorable, and the kurta fit him perfectly.

"That looks so cute on you, Manik!" Tara said, smiling broadly. Manik beamed back at her, clearly enjoying the attention.

The shopkeeper, watching the fitting process, gave an approving nod and quickly wrapped up the kurta and the other clothes Tara had chosen.

As the day started to turn into evening and the light began to fade, Prithvi paid for the items.

The shopkeeper handed over the neatly packed clothes, and Tara carried them while Prithvi held Manik and the giant teddy bear.

They made their way back to their vintage black car, the soft glow of the fair's lights casting a warm hue over the scene.

With the car parked nearby, they loaded the packages and got in. The day had been filled with joy, and as they drove back home, they all looked forward to a cozy evening together.







The vintage black car glided to a stop at the grand garden of the haveli. The soft evening light cast long shadows as Tara and Prithvi stepped out.

Tara was holding the sleeping Manik tenderly in her arms, his head resting against her shoulder, his little face peaceful.

Kusum, who had been waiting anxiously, spotted them and hurried forward. Her eyes softened at the sight of Tara carefully cradling Manik. "Look at you both," Kusum said warmly, her voice filled with relief and affection. "You've had a long day. How was your exam?"

Tara smiled, her exhaustion evident but overshadowed by the joy of the day's events. "Yes maaji I hope it gone well. Manik fell asleep on the way back. He was so excited about the fair."

Kusum reached out to help Tara, her gaze full of admiration. "You both look so happy. Did you get everything you needed?"

Tara nodded, carefully adjusting Manik in her arms. "We did. We had a wonderful time. We bought some new clothes for everyone, and Manik got a new teddy bear and kurta."

Prithvi, who had been unpacking the car, joined them with a smile. "It was a day well spent. We got something for everyone."

Kusum glanced at the bags Prithvi was carrying. "I can see that. Let me help you with those. You've both done so much."

As Kusum helped Prithvi with the bags, Tara continued to hold Manik, her heart full as she looked at her family. The warmth of the haveli's garden and the sight of Kusum's welcoming smile made Tara feel at home.

Together, they made their way into the haveli, ready to settle in for a well-deserved rest.






Tara was drying her wet hair in front of the bedroom mirror, her skin still glowing from the warm bath.

The gentle, rhythmic sound of raindrops tapping against the window provided a soothing backdrop, adding to the intimate atmosphere of the room.

Manik was already in his deep sleep, sleeping peacefully in the warmth of the blanket.

The bathroom door swung open, and Prithvi emerged, wrapped in nothing but a plain white cloth around his waist.

His toned body glistened with droplets of water, and the light from the room highlighted the contours of his muscles.

His hair, damp and tousled, framed his face, giving him an effortlessly handsome, almost sultry appearance.

Tara's gaze lingered on him for a moment, her breath catching slightly as she took in the sight of him. Prithvi moved towards her with a confident stride, his eyes locking onto hers with a playful glint.

Without a word, he wrapped his strong arms around her waist from behind, his warmth seeping through the damp fabric of her saare.

He nuzzled his nose into the crook of her neck, his breath warm and tantalizing against her skin.

"First dry yourself," Tara said, her voice a soft command as she tried to focus on her own task.

"Then you do," Prithvi murmured, his voice low and husky. Before Tara could protest, he lifted her effortlessly from her plush chair and settled into it himself, pulling her onto his lap.

The contact of his skin against hers was electric, and Tara could feel the heat radiating from his body.

With a playful smirk, Prithvi leaned back slightly, his eyes locked on her as if daring her to resist.

Tara began to dry his damp hair, her fingers brushing against his scalp in slow, deliberate strokes.

The sensation of his strong, muscular frame beneath her was intoxicating, and she could feel her heart racing as she worked.

As she gently worked the towel through his hair, Prithvi's hands roamed lightly over her back, his touch both tender and possessive.

The rain outside continued its gentle patter, adding to the serene yet steamy atmosphere in the room.

Tara found herself lost in the warmth of Prithvi's embrace, their connection deepening with every touch.

As she leaned forward to wipe his back, Prithvi's lips brushed against her neck. The kiss was soft and lingering, sending a shiver through her body.

The warmth of his breath and the tenderness of his touch heightened the intimacy of the moment.Tara paused, her breath catching as she felt the caress of his lips.

She tilted her head slightly, giving him better access, her heart racing with each kiss. Prithvi's hands tightened around her waist, pulling her closer, as if trying to make the moment last forever.

"You're distracting me," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Prithvi's lips curved into a playful smile as he continued to kiss her neck, his hands roaming gently over her back.

"Is that so?" he murmured, his voice low and sultry.The combination of his kisses and his touch left Tara feeling both exhilarated and comforted.

"Manik is sleeping, have some decency," Tara whispered, her voice a mix of admonishment and breathlessness.Prithvi's smirk widened.

"He is my son. His sleep is like mine-once he's down, even thunder won't wake him up."

Prithvi tenderly cupped her face, his eyes brimming with affection.

"Don't worry, my Tara. We have all the time in the world. For me, what matters most is you and our connection. It's not that I've been holding myself back from being physical with you these past two years. It's that our love isn't defined by physical intimacy. Even if we never become physical, even if it's for our entire lives, my love for you will never change. Your presence in my life is more precious than anything else. But,"

he said with a warm smile, "you can't stop me from wanting to kiss and hold you close. Those moments are the simplest way I can show you just how deeply I cherish you."

His words, filled with tenderness and devotion, wrapped Tara in a cocoon of love.

Each syllable resonated with a promise that transcended the physical, making the depth of their bond feel profoundly unforgettable.

Prithvi was gently rocking them both as their foreheads rested against each other, the warmth of their closeness filling the room.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind, and with a soft smile, he carefully placed Tara back on the plush chair. She watched him with curious eyes as he moved towards a small bag tucked away in the corner of the room.

Tara's brows furrowed slightly as Prithvi rummaged through the bag, pulling out a neatly wrapped package. He returned to her, the excitement in his eyes evident as he began to unwrap the package.

As the fabric unfurled, Tara's breath caught in her throat-it was a beautiful saree, the delicate patterns and rich colors reflecting the dim light of the room.

"This," Prithvi said softly, his voice filled with affection, "is for you."

Tara's eyes glistened with emotion as she reached out to touch the saree, feeling the fine texture under her fingertips. The gesture, so thoughtful and unexpected, made her heart swell with love.

"When did you buy it?" Tara asked, her eyes still admiring the beautiful saree.

Prithvi smiled, a hint of playful pride in his expression. "When you were busy choosing clothes for everyone else," he replied softly. "I saw this and knew it would look perfect on you."

Tara's fingers grazed the fabric, her heart warming at the thoughtfulness behind his gesture.

Prithvi chuckled softly, "You're always on my mind, Tara."

She looked up at him, her eyes brimming with emotion.

He cupped her face gently, his thumb brushing her cheek. "You deserve nothing less," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Seeing you happy is all I want."

The rain outside fell softly, its gentle patter creating a soothing symphony that blended with the intimate warmth they shared.

In this serene moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the unwavering connection between them, a testament to their enduring love.








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