"Ufff," escaped from her lips as she stretched her hand high up in the air. Prithvi also leaned back on his chair, feeling the strain in his muscles.

The cool rainy season night created a soothing atmosphere. Tara leaned back in her chair too, sighing deeply.

"It's too tiring," she whispered, her eyes resting on the papers spread out in front of her.

It had been a month since their journey of study had begun, and Tara now knew how to write the English alphabet perfectly. Their next target was to master math.

Prithvi filled two glasses of water and slid one towards Tara. She gratefully drank the cool liquid, feeling refreshed.

Prithvi stood up from his chair and walked behind Tara, his hands gently resting on her shoulders before he began to massage them slowly.

She glanced over at the bed, where little Manik was sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a warm blanket. His soft, rhythmic breathing was a comforting presence in the room.

Prithvi's fingers worked through the tension in her shoulders, his touch firm yet gentle. Tara closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh of relief.

"You're doing so well, Tara," he said softly, his voice filled with admiration.

Tara smiled, the praise warming her heart.

"Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you," she replied, reaching up to pat his hand.

Prithvi continued the massage for a few more minutes, then bent down and kissed the top of her head.

"Let's take a break," he suggested, his breath warm against her hair. "We can continue tomorrow."

Tara nodded, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her. They had come a long way in just a month, and she was proud of what they had achieved together.

"Let's take a walk outside," said Prithvi, his voice gentle and inviting.

"It's night now," Tara replied, a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"So what? Can't I spend some time with my wife?" Prithvi teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

Tara blushed, her cheeks warming under his gaze.

"No, I didn't mean that..." she said shyly, looking down at her hands.

Prithvi chuckled softly and offered his hand to her.

"Come on, just a short walk. The night air will do us good."

Tara took his hand, letting him help her up from the chair. As they stepped outside, the cool breeze greeted them, carrying the fresh scent of rain and earth. The sky was a deep indigo, dotted with stars that peeked through the thinning clouds.

Prithvi walked beside her, their hands intertwined. The soft glow of the lanterns hanging from the porch cast a warm light around them, creating a serene and intimate atmosphere.

They strolled quietly for a few moments, enjoying the tranquility of the night. Prithvi paused, turning to Tara with a smile.

"I have something for you," he said, pulling a small, delicate rose from behind his back.Tara's eyes widened in surprise.

"Where did you get that?"

"Picked it just for you," Prithvi replied, gently tucking the rose behind her ear.

"It suits you."

Tara's heart fluttered at his gesture, and she felt a warm rush of affection for him. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

Just then, the sudden rain started. Tara, startled, grabbed Prithvi and tried to pull him under the shade.

"It's raining, quickly come under the shade," she urged.

But Prithvi just smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. He pulled her towards him, causing her to stumble into his chest. Before she could protest, he picked her up in his arms and spun her around. Laughter bubbled up from both of them as the rain drenched them.

"Put me down!" Tara squealed, her hands clutching his shoulders.

"Not a chance," Prithvi laughed, spinning her even faster. The world blurred around them, the rain mingling with their laughter.

Tara's hair clung to her face, and she tried to push it away with one hand while still holding onto Prithvi.

He slowed down and gently set her back on the ground, but kept her close, one arm wrapped around her waist.

"You're soaked," she said, brushing a wet strand of hair from his forehead.

"So are you," he replied, his voice softening. He cupped her face, his thumb gently tracing her cheek.

"But you look beautiful."

Tara's heart fluttered at his words. The rain continued to fall around them, creating a curtain of water that seemed to isolate them from the rest of the world. Prithvi leaned in, his lips brushing hers in a tender kiss.

Just as the moment deepened, Tara slipped on the wet grass, pulling Prithvi down with her. They tumbled to the ground in a heap, laughing even harder.

"Look what you did!" Tara exclaimed, trying to get up but slipping again.

Prithvi chuckled, his own attempts to stand equally futile. "You're the one who pulled me down!"

They finally managed to get to their feet, still laughing and now completely covered in mud. Prithvi looked at her, his eyes filled with adoration.

"You know, I've never had this much fun in the rain before."

Tara smiled, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "Neither have I."

Prithvi reached down, picking a small rose that had survived the rain. He tucked it behind her ear, his touch gentle and reverent.

Just then, a voice from the upstairs balcony broke through their laughter. "Who's there at this hour?" It was Kusum.

Tara and Prithvi froze, their laughter dying on their lips. Kusum called out again, but still, they didn't answer.

The sound of Kusum moving to come downstairs made their hearts race. "She's coming!" Tara whispered urgently.

Without a word, Prithvi grabbed Tara's hand, and they darted towards a nearby room, slipping inside like children caught in a mischievous act.

They closed the door quietly behind them, their breaths coming in soft, quick bursts.

Inside the room, they leaned against the door, listening to Kusum's footsteps growing fainter as she checked the grounds.

Tara and Prithvi looked at each other, their faces inches apart. Despite the danger of being caught, they couldn't suppress their smiles.

Prithvi placed a finger to his lips, signaling for Tara to stay quiet. She nodded, trying to stifle her giggles. The thrill of their escape made her heart pound in her chest.

After a few moments, the sound of Kusum's footsteps receded, and the house fell silent again. Prithvi and Tara exhaled in unison, the tension melting away.

Prithvi looked down at Tara, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and affection.

"That was close," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Tara nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"We should be more careful," she replied, though her smile showed she had enjoyed every moment.

Prithvi pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her waist.

"But where's the fun in that?" he teased, his voice low and playful.

Tara shook her head, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "You're impossible," she said, resting her head against his chest.

Prithvi kissed the top of her head, his hands gently rubbing her back.

"And you love it," he murmured.

They stayed like that for a while, savoring the quiet intimacy of the moment. The rain continued to fall outside, its steady rhythm a soothing backdrop to their stolen time together.







"Slowly..." Tara whispered as both she and Prithvi tried to sneak back inside their bedroom.

They tiptoed through the dimly lit hallway, their clothes still damp and their laughter stifled. As they turned the corner to their room, they froze. Kusum was standing there, her arms crossed and a stern look on her face.

"Where have you two been?" Kusum asked, her voice a mix of curiosity and reprimand.

Prithvi and Tara exchanged guilty glances, their earlier playfulness evaporating under Kusum's gaze.

"Uh.....we were just... taking...a...a walk," Prithvi stammered, trying to sound casual.

"In the rain?" Kusum's eyes narrowed as she looked them up and down, taking in their wet and muddy appearance.

"It just started raining while we were out," Tara explained, her voice small, trying not to giggle.

Kusum sighed, shaking her head. "You two are like children," she said, though a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Go on, get cleaned up before you catch a cold."

Prithvi and Tara nodded quickly, grateful for the unexpected reprieve. They slipped past Kusum and into their bedroom, closing the door behind them.

Once inside, Prithvi let out a relieved breath, leaning against the door. "Nothing can be hidden from a mother," he whispered, a grin spreading across his face.

Tara laughed softly, the tension easing from her shoulders. "I thought she was going to scold us for sure."

Prithvi moved closer, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Well, we did deserve it," he said, his voice low and warm. "But it was worth it."

Tara smiled, leaning into his embrace. "Yes, it was."

Suddenly, Prithvi sneezed loudly, causing Tara to jump and then burst into laughter.

Prithvi put a finger to his lips, signaling Tara to be quiet. They tiptoed to the adjoining bathroom, where they could clean up without disturbing Manik.

Inside the bathroom, Prithvi turned on the water, and they began helping each other out of their rain-soaked clothes.

The large space was soon filled with the sound of running water and their suppressed laughter. Tara's sari got tangled around her legs, and Prithvi's kurta refused to come off, making them both giggle softly.

"Hold still," Prithvi whispered, trying to untangle the fabric.

"You're like a trapped bird!"

"Well, you look like a drenched cat," Tara shot back, tugging at his shirt.

He looked down at her with a mischievous glint in his eye, his drenched clothes clinging to him and his hair plastered to his forehead.

"Well, if I'm a drenched cat, then you're a muddy kitten," he teased back, reaching out to gently pull her closer.

Tara laughed, shaking her head as she tried to push the wet strands of hair from her face.

"At least I didn't drag you into the rain," she countered, her voice filled with a mix of humor and affection.

Prithvi's eyes softened as he looked at her.

"You didn't drag me. I wanted to be with you in the rain," he said sincerely, his voice low and earnest. He took her hand and led her back into their embrace.

They stood there for a moment, the rain continuing to fall outside, creating a serene and almost magical ambiance.

Prithvi's hands slid around Tara's waist, pulling her close against him. The warmth from their bodies contrasted with the cool rain, creating a cocoon of warmth and intimacy.

Tara looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the soft light of the lantern nearby.

"You're right," she said softly, "it was worth it. I've never felt so free and so close to you."

Prithvi smiled, leaning in to brush his lips against her forehead.

"I feel the same. Sometimes it's these spontaneous moments that make everything feel so real."

He then cupped her face in his hands, his thumb gently caressing her cheek. Tara's heart fluttered at the tenderness of his touch.

"Let's not let this moment end," Prithvi murmured, his eyes locking onto hers. His gaze was filled with a mix of affection and desire.

Tara nodded, her breath catching slightly as she leaned in closer. Prithvi's lips met hers in a deep, lingering kiss that conveyed all the emotions they were feeling.

As they finally broke the kiss, both of them were breathless and smiling. Prithvi's hand moved to tuck a wet strand of Tara's hair behind her ear, his touch lingering.

"We should get fresh before we catch a cold," he said with a grin, his voice soft but filled with playful resolve.







As they finished cleaning up, Prithvi and Tara hurriedly changed into dry clothes, the warmth of their freshly laundered garments contrasting with the chill of the rain-soaked night.

They moved quickly, their laughter and the playful remnants of their earlier escapade still lingering in the air.

Once they were dressed, they climbed into bed with a sense of eager relief. Tara gently gathered Manik into her arms, tucking him snugly against her side.

His soft breathing and the peaceful rise and fall of his tiny chest added a comforting rhythm to the room.

Prithvi settled beside them, his strong arms wrapping around both Tara and Manik with a protective tenderness. He pressed his body close to Tara's, his warmth spreading through her as he held them both securely.

His touch was both reassuring and affectionate, a silent promise of his unwavering support and love.

The bed, now a cocoon of warmth and intimacy, enveloped them in its embrace. The rain outside created a soothing backdrop, its gentle patter on the windows acting as a calming lullaby.

Tara nestled into Prithvi's embrace, feeling the steady thrum of his heartbeat against her cheek. The sense of safety and love that enveloped her made her feel incredibly content. She shifted slightly to get comfortable, resting her head against Prithvi's chest.

Prithvi's arms tightened around them, pulling them closer. His breath was warm and steady, a comforting presence in the quiet of the night.

He pressed a gentle kiss to Tara's forehead, his lips lingering as if to imprint the moment in his memory.

"Goodnight," he whispered softly, his voice carrying the weight of his affection.

Tara looked up at him with a soft smile. "Goodnight," she replied, her voice tender and filled with warmth.

As they settled into the cozy embrace of the blankets, the world outside seemed to fade away.

The only sounds were the rhythmic breathing of Manik, the soft murmur of rain, and the contented sighs of two people deeply connected.

In the quiet comfort of their shared space, they drifted off to sleep, their bodies intertwined and their hearts aligned, savoring the peace and intimacy of the moment.







The evening sun cast a warm golden hue over the terrace, the sky painted in shades of pink and orange as the day slowly transitioned into night. Tara sat cross-legged on a mat, with little Manik perched on her lap.

Mannu, lounged contentedly nearby, his tail gently thumping the ground.

Manik’s small, imperfect arm rested against Tara’s side as he skillfully gripped a piece of chalk between his toes. Despite his disability, his eyes sparkled with determination and curiosity.

“Alright, Manik,” Tara said softly, her voice filled with encouragement. “Let’s write the letter ‘M’. Remember, it starts with a straight line down, then a diagonal line up, another diagonal line down, and a straight line up.” She moved his foot slowly, demonstrating the strokes on the slate.

Manik watched intently, his little brow furrowing in concentration. With Tara’s gentle guidance, he carefully traced the letter ‘M’ on the slate with his foot. It was shaky and uneven, but it was his.

“Very good, Manik!” Tara exclaimed, her face lighting up with pride.

“You did it!”

Manik beamed up at her, his smile wide and filled with joy.

“I did it, Maa!” he said, his voice a mix of excitement and accomplishment.

She hugged him gently.

“Yes, you did, my brave boy,” she whispered, kissing his forehead.

Mannu, sensing the joyful moment, wagged his tail harder and barked softly, adding to the celebratory atmosphere.

He nuzzled closer to Manik, his warm fur brushing against the boy’s side.Tara laughed, patting Mannu’s head.

“Even Mannu is proud of you!” she said, her voice cheerful. “Let’s try another letter. How about ‘N’?”

Manik nodded eagerly, ready for the next challenge. With Tara’s gentle guidance, he traced the letter ‘N’ on the slate with his foot. Each attempt was a step towards his growing confidence and skills.

As they continued their lesson, the evening breeze ruffled their hair, carrying the sweet scent of blooming jasmine from the garden below.

The tranquility of the terrace, the bond between Tara and Manik, and Mannu’s loyal presence created a moment of perfect harmony.Prithvi, returning from his day’s work, paused at the doorway to the terrace.

He watched silently, his heart warming at the sight of his wife and son. The scene before him was a testament to the love and patience Tara brought into their lives.

Tara glanced up and caught his eye, her smile widening. “Look who’s here, Manik. Baba’s home!”

Manik turned, his face lighting up even more. “Baba! Look, I wrote letters!” he exclaimed, holding up the slate with his feet for Prithvi to see.

Prithvi walked over, crouching beside them. He examined the slate, his face breaking into a proud smile.

“You did an amazing job, Manik,” he said, ruffling his son’s hair. “I’m so proud of you.”

Manik basked in the praise, his confidence growing with each word. Tara and Prithvi exchanged a look of mutual love and admiration, the bond between them strengthened by the shared joy of Manik’s achievements.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the terrace, the little family sat together, surrounded by warmth, love, and the promise of many more evenings filled with learning and laughter.







Night had fallen, and the study room was illuminated by the soft, warm glow of the lanterns.

Tara sat at the wooden table, her notebook open in front of her, and her face a mask of concentration. She had been working on basic addition and subtraction sums for the past hour.

Prithvi sat across from her, reviewing her work with a critical eye. As he scanned the pages, he noticed the same mistakes repeated in several of the sums. He frowned slightly, his brow furrowing in frustration.

"Tara," he began, his voice sterner than usual, "you've made the same mistakes again."

Tara looked up at him, her eyes wide with anxiety. She fidgeted with the edge of her sari, feeling a knot of tension forming in her stomach.

"I... I'm sorry. I tried to be careful."

Prithvi sighed, setting the notebook down on the table.

"You need to focus more, Tara. These are basic sums, and you need to get them right. You can’t keep making the same errors over and over again."

Tara’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I’m trying my best," she said softly, her voice trembling slightly.

"Trying isn’t enough," Prithvi replied, his tone sharp. "You have to get it right. If you don’t pay attention, you’ll never improve."

Tara’s eyes filled with tears, but she blinked them back, determined not to cry. She felt like a child being scolded by a strict teacher.

Mannu, sensing her distress, came over and rested his head on her lap, offering silent comfort.

Seeing her tears, Prithvi’s expression softened immediately. He cursed himself silently for being too harsh. "Tara," he began, his voice now gentle, "I didn’t mean to be so hard on you."

But Tara had already looked away, clearly hurt by his words. Without another word, she stood up and walked out of the room, her footsteps echoing in the quiet house.

Prithvi watched her go, feeling a pang of guilt. He stood up and followed her, calling out softly, "Tara, wait!"

She didn’t stop, making her way outside to the courtyard. The night air was cool and refreshing, but Tara felt nothing but the sting of Prithvi's words.

She crossed her arms over her chest, staring up at the starry sky, trying to hold back her tears.

Prithvi caught up with her, his heart aching at the sight of her standing there, so alone and hurt. He knew he had to do something to make it right. Taking a deep breath, he decided to take a drastic step.

"Tara..." Prithvi called out, but Tara didn’t look at him. She stood with her back turned, arms crossed, staring off into the distance.

"Listen to me, I’m sorry," Prithvi said, his voice earnest as he held his ears in a gesture of apology. Still, Tara remained resolutely facing away from him, her silence deafening.

Prithvi sighed deeply, realizing he needed to take more drastic measures. Determined, he stepped directly in front of her, blocking her view of the sky.

With a dramatic flourish, he held his ears with both hands and began to do sit-ups right there on the grass.

"What are you doing?" said Tara, her eyes widening in disbelief.

"I’m doing sit-ups to show how sorry I am," Prithvi grunted, his face reddening with effort. He pushed himself up and down, each movement exaggerated as he continued, "I know it looks silly, but I really need you to forgive me."

Tara couldn’t help control her laugh. The sight of Prithvi, the imposing Thakur, performing sit-ups in the middle of the night with his ears just to gain apologize from his wife.

"I’m showing you how sorry I am," Prithvi said between breaths.

"I won’t stop until you forgive me."

"Alright, alright," she said, walking over to him. "I forgive you. Now please get up."

Prithvi paused, looking up at her. "Really?"

"Yes, really," she said, shaking her head in amusement. "Just get up. You’re going to hurt yourself."

Prithvi got to his feet, a relieved smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, Tara. I’m so sorry for being harsh. I just want to help you improve."

Tara nodded, her heart softening. "I know. I’ll try harder. But you have to be patient with me."

"I promise," Prithvi said, reaching out to take her hand. "I’ll be more patient. We’ll do this together."

Tara smiled, squeezing his hand. "Alright."

Prithvi pulled her into a hug, holding her close. "You’re doing great, Tara. Don’t let my frustration get to you."

Tara rested her head against his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

They stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, savoring the peace of their shared understanding. Prithvi’s fingers traced soothing circles on her back, and Tara felt a deep sense of contentment.

"Let’s go back inside," Prithvi said gently. "We’ll finish the sums together."

Tara nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. "Alright."

They returned to the study room, but this time, the atmosphere was light and filled with quiet laughter as they worked through the sums together. Prithvi guided her gently, and Tara’s confidence grew with each correct answer.










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