A mouse sniffed her bleeding toe, causing her to weakly withdraw her leg, the slight movement sending waves of pain through her battered body.

She was tied to a chair, her wrists and ankles bound tightly with coarse rope, leaving deep red marks on her skin. Her clothes were torn and bloodied, her hair matted and dirty.

Prithvi stood outside the cell, his figure partially illuminated by the dim light.

He looked at the devastated figure inside with a cold, calculating gaze. His presence filled the small space with an air of menace and authority.

"How are you, Sanjana?" he asked with a smirk, his voice dripping with mock concern.

He looked past her and saw Padma's bloodied form lying motionless on the cold, damp floor.

The sight was gruesome, her body contorted and lifeless, a stark reminder of the brutal consequences of crossing him.

The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood, mingling with the musty stench of the cell.

Prithvi's smirk widened as he shifted his gaze back to Sanjana, taking in her terrified expression.

"Quite the mess we've got here, haven't we?" he remarked casually, the hint of sadistic pleasure in his tone unmistakable.

Sanjana's frustration boiled over.

"You are doing wrong! What you are doing with us is a sin... Faking your own grandmother's death and caging us here like this, is a sin,"

She uttered weakly, her voice laden with desperation.

Prithvi's eyes darkened, his demeanor cold and unforgiving.

"Just see who is talking about sins here," he retorted sharply.

"What your sister did to my brother... wasn't that a sin?" Prithvi's voice was cold and sharp, slicing through the silence of the cell.

Sanjana's eyes widened in fear, her weak frame trembling as she tried to process his words. Before she could muster a response, Prithvi's anger surged, his eyes dark with fury.

"You both sisters destroyed us," he spat, each word laced with venom.

He took a step closer, his gaze fixed on Padma's bloodied form lying in the corner.

"And you," he said, his voice dripping with contempt, "you just crossed the limit."

His eyes pointed accusingly at Padma, whose bandaged wounds were now bleeding again, her frail body a testament to her suffering.

"What do you think? Didn't I know that you helped Shakshi that day?"

Prithvi's voice dripped with cold rage as he glared at the frail woman.

"What was Jay's mistake, huh? Just because he was disabled, that doesn't mean he didn't have the right to live. He was my brother... my own twin."

Padma's face contorted with fear and guilt as she listened to Prithvi's words, each one hitting her like a blow. Prithvi took a step closer, his eyes burning with a mix of pain and anger.

"You think I wouldn't find out? You think I wouldn't seek justice for Jay?"

"But this isn't just for Jay anymore. This is for Tara, for Manik. The sins you committed... the lives you ruined... you will pay for them all."

"In front of the world, with your real face, you will meet your death," Prithvi declared, his voice low and menacing.

"Until then, I won't allow your soul to leave your body."

With that, Prithvi turned on his heel and left the cell, his footsteps echoing through the dark, damp corridor. The weight of his words hung in the air, leaving Padma trembling and alone with her fear.









Her eyes fluttered weakly. She tried to open them, but even that small effort sent waves of pain coursing through her.

Her vision was a blur, and the last dreadful memories crashed into her mind, filling her with panic. She began to struggle feebly, her body trembling as she tried to move.

Through the haze, she saw a shadowy figure leaning over her, hands gently cradling her cheeks.

The touch, meant to soothe, only heightened her fear. She whimpered softly, her voice barely more than a breath.

"Tara... It's me... Calm down... Please," the figure's voice was urgent but gentle. Still, Tara's panic surged. She thrashed weakly, desperate to escape, her heart pounding in her chest.

Gradually, her vision cleared, and she could make out the features of the person before her. But fear still gripped her tightly.

"Tara... Calm down... It's me, Prithvi... Tara..." The familiar voice tried to break through her terror. She struggled a bit longer, her eyes wide and wild, until finally, she locked onto his gaze.

"Shhh... It's me," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of relief and anguish. At first, she didn't recognize him with his shaven head. But now, as the fog in her mind lifted, she could see him clearly.

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision once more. Recognition dawned, and with it, a flood of emotions.

The fear ebbed, replaced by a torrent of relief and sorrow. Her body went limp as she finally stopped struggling, her strength spent.

Prithvi's eyes were moist, reflecting the pain and helplessness he felt seeing her like this. He gently wiped away her tears, his touch tender and reassuring.

"I'm here, Tara. I'm here," he murmured, his voice cracking with emotion.

Tara's tears flowed freely now, and she clung to the sound of his voice, the only anchor in the sea of her torment.

As she gazed into his eyes, the familiar warmth and love gave her a hope of comfort.

They were together, and somehow, that made the unbearable pain just a little more bearable.

Tara broke into tears, her body trembling with sobs.

"No... Shhh, don't cry," Prithvi murmured gently.

Just like a mother, he gathered her fully into his lap, cradling her as if she were a fragile child.

"Everything will be okay... I will make everything right," he promised, his voice filled with unwavering determination.

"Don't cry," he repeated, his own eyes becoming moist as he fought back his tears.

The sight of her pain tore at his heart, but he held her tightly, hoping his embrace could offer some solace.

Tara continued to cry, the flood of emotions too overwhelming to contain.







"Here," Prithvi said softly, extending another spoonful of lentil soup towards Tara.

She was leaning against his chest, his strong arms wrapped around her to provide support.

Her body trembled slightly as she tried to regain her strength, each spoonful of soup a small but significant step towards recovery.

Prithvi sat behind her, cradling her gently, his warmth a comforting presence.

The soft clinking of the spoon against the bowl was the only sound in the room.

Tara's movements were tentative, her hands shaking as she reached for the spoon, but she managed to take it from him and sip the warm broth.

"That's it," Prithvi whispered, his voice a soothing murmur in her ear. "You're doing great, Tara."

Each swallow seemed to ease a bit of her pain, and she leaned more heavily into Prithvi's chest, drawing strength from his unwavering support.

He continued to feed her, his eyes filled with a mixture of determination and tenderness, as if willing her to heal with every spoonful.

"Manik..." Tara whispered again, her voice stronger and more insistent.

Prithvi sighed, recognizing the stubbornness in her tone.

"Yes, you'll meet him," he said firmly, wiping her mouth with a cloth. "But first, you need to eat properly and take your medicines on time."

"Manik," she repeated, her eyes filled with determination.

Prithvi gently cupped her face, looking into her eyes.

"I understand, Tara. But you have to trust me. Just a little more time, and you'll be with him. For now, focus on getting your strength back."

Tara's gaze didn't waver. "Manik," she said again, her voice unwavering.

"Tara, Manik cried when he saw my shaved head... Try to understand, you need to get healthy first," said Prithvi, his voice filled with concern.

" Manik..... " she said again.

Prithvi nodded, feeling her resolve. "Alright, I'll bring him to you," he relented softly. "But you must promise to keep eating and taking your medicines. We need you strong for him."

After this Prithvi went to fetch some oil. Returning to Tara's side, he gently helped her lean back onto the bed, ensuring she was comfortable.

He poured a small amount of oil into his palms, warming it between his hands before beginning the massage.

His hands moved tenderly over her shoulders, down her arms, and across her back, applying just enough pressure to soothe her aching muscles and bring relief to her pain-ridden body.

The subtle fragrance of the oil filled the room, creating a momentary oasis of calm. Tara's eyes fluttered closed as she surrendered to his touch, feeling the tension slowly melt away.

After the massage, Prithvi prepared a sponge bath. He brought a basin of warm water, a soft cloth, and gentle soap, making sure everything was ready.

With utmost care, he started to bathe her, wiping away the sweat with slow, deliberate movements. His focus was entirely on making her comfortable and clean.

He washed her shaved head with gentle strokes, the warm water soothing her scalp and adding to her sense of relief.

The water and his tender touch brought a sense of calm to Tara's troubled mind. As he bathed her, he spoke softly, his words a balm to her weary soul.

"Tara, I know this is difficult, but I'm here with you. We're going to get through this together," he murmured, his voice filled with determination and love.

Once she was clean, Prithvi helped Tara put on a clean cloth pad, ensuring it was secure and comfortable.

He then dressed her in a fresh, soft dress, the fabric a welcome change from her.

Prithvi's tender care and unwavering support began to chip away at the walls of despair that had surrounded Tara.








Tara was sleeping, hugging him like a child as he gently stroked her head, offering the same tender care a mother would.

Her face rested on Prithvi's  chest, her breath giving a ticklish feeling on his nipple.

He could feel the warmth of her breath, each exhale a small, comforting reminder of her presence.

Prithvi looked down at her, a tender smile playing on his lips. Despite everything, this moment of peace with Tara brought him a sense of calm.

He continued to stroke her head, his fingers gently combing through her scalp.

Tara stirred slightly, her grip on him tightening, as if seeking reassurance even in her sleep.

Prithvi held her closer, his heart swelling with a mixture of love and determination.

In the quiet of the room, with Tara nestled against him, Prithvi felt that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.

A soft knock came on the door. Prithvi gently disentangled himself from Tara, careful not to wake her, and moved quietly to the door.

He opened it just a crack, enough to see who was there without disturbing the room's calm.

Raju, his most trusted man, stood there, his face etched with urgency.

"Thakur Sahab... We got him," Raju informed, his voice low but firm.

Prithvi's eyes narrowed as he took in the news, a mix of relief and determination crossing his features. He gave Raju a brief nod, signaling that he understood and would join him shortly.

Prithvi closed the door quietly and turned back to Tara. She was still sleeping peacefully, unaware of the events unfolding outside. He walked back to her side

Taking a moment to steady himself, Prithvi bent down and gently kissed Tara's forehead. He whispered softly,

"I'll be back soon. Rest well."

With a final, lingering glance at her, he straightened and left the room, closing the door silently behind him. Raju was waiting just outside, his expression serious.

"Where is he?" Prithvi asked, his voice low and controlled.

"In the old house, just as you ordered," Raju replied, matching Prithvi's tone.

The old house was an abandoned, crumbling structure on the edge of the estate, long forgotten and seldom visited.

Its decaying walls and overgrown surroundings made it the perfect place for discreet matters, away from prying eyes and ears.

Prithvi nodded, his mind already shifting to the task at hand. "Let's go."

As they made their way through the dimly lit corridors, Prithvi's thoughts were a whirlwind of strategies and decisions.

He had to ensure Tara's safety and well-being while dealing with the threat that had been captured. There was no room for error.

The night air was cool as they stepped outside, the path to the old house cloaked in shadows.

Raju led the way, and Prithvi followed, his resolve hardening with each step.

He would do whatever it took to protect his family and bring justice to those who had wronged them.








He was standing at the center, his hands tied up in the air with rope, a multitude of sticks inflicted upon him, yet not a cry escaped his mouth. Prithvi entered, his tall frame towering over the bound man.

Their eyes clashed, both filled with anger and hatred towards each other. The air was thick with tension, the silence between them heavy with unspoken threats.

Prithvi silently picked up the iron rod from the nearby table. The weight of it felt solid and cold in his hand. He looked at the rod once, then at the man, whose defiant eyes never wavered.

Without warning, Prithvi swung the rod and struck Magan's private part with a sickening thud.

The Magan's scream tore through the air, a loud and guttural sound of agony that echoed off the walls. His body convulsed in pain, his muscles straining against the ropes that bound him.

The once-defiant look in his eyes was now replaced with a mixture of pain and disbelief.

Prithvi's face remained impassive, his eyes cold and unyielding. He held the rod firmly, watching the man writhe in pain.

The power he felt in that moment was overwhelming, but it was driven by a need for justice and retribution.

Prithvi's grip tightened on the man's hair, pulling it sharply as he stared into his eyes with intense fury.

"This," he growled, his voice edged with venom,

"is what your brother attempted to do to my wife and you fulfilled the task" The man winced in pain, his expression a mix of fear and defiance, fully aware of the consequences he faced for his and his brother's actions.

"Feeling a lot of pain right?" Prithvi's voice cut through the air, cold and calculated, as he pressed the rod against the Magan's private part.

His eyes bore into the Magan's, unwavering in their intensity, demanding acknowledgment of the suffering inflicted.

"You just killed my brother... You have to suffer this," Magan gasped, pain evident in his voice.

Prithvi's eyes narrowed, his grip on the rod unwavering.

"And that's what becomes your karma," he replied coldly.

"I won't beat you anywhere else except this one place. It's enough to make every moment of your life painful."

"No... You will not do this," the man gasped, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Yes, I will," Prithvi replied, his voice cold and unyielding. Without hesitation, he struck Magan's private part again with the rod, the impact resonating through the room.

Magan's scream echoed, a raw sound of agony and despair. Prithvi's expression remained impassive, his eyes reflecting the relentless determination to exact justice.

The Magan’s body convulsed with pain, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He struggled against the ropes, but it was futile.

Prithvi leaned in closer, his face inches from the man’s.

“You thought you could get away with hurting my family?” he whispered, his voice dripping with contempt.

Magan’s eyes flickered with fear and anger, his spirit not yet broken despite the torment. He tried to muster a defiant glare, but the pain was too overwhelming.

Prithvi straightened up, his grip tightening on the rod.

“You will pay for everything you’ve done,” he vowed. “Every single moment of pain you’ve caused, you will feel it tenfold.”

The air was thick with tension, the silence between them heavy with the promise of more suffering to come.

Magan’s resolve was crumbling, his defiance giving way to the stark reality of his situation.

Prithvi's relentless gaze bore down on him, unyielding and merciless.

"Just think what would happen if my men had done the same thing to your wife as what you and your men did to my wife, and let's not forget, your daughter witnessing it all, just like my son... How would you have felt?"

Prithvi's voice was cold and deliberate, each word dripping with the weight of his fury and anguish.

Magan's face contorted with a mixture of pain and defiance as he struggled against the ropes binding him.

His eyes locked onto Prithvi's, a desperate attempt to maintain his composure despite the agony.

"Your enmity is just with me... You have nothing to do with my family,"

Magan retorted, his voice strained but resolute, trying to deflect Prithvi's accusations.

"Same here... You wouldn't have hurt my family too," Prithvi replied sharply, his jaw clenched in restrained fury.

His gaze bore into the man's, challenging him to deny the consequences of his actions.

The room was tense with the unspoken threat of further violence, the air heavy with the bitter realization of the pain and suffering inflicted on both sides.

“This is just the beginning.”







"Ready," Prithvi whispered, his touch gentle as he adjusted the scarf around Tara's shaved head, draping it with careful precision to shield her vulnerability.

Tara's nod conveyed both readiness and apprehension, her eyes fixed on Prithvi with a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty.

"Just don't cry in front of him, okay," Prithvi murmured, his voice carrying a blend of reassurance and instruction.

Tara responded with another nod, her nervous smile betraying the emotions swirling within her.

"I'll bring him," Prithvi assured softly before stepping out into the corridor.

The click of his footsteps faded, leaving Tara in quiet anticipation, the weight of their shared history heavy in the air as she awaited the emotional reunion with her son.

Few minutes later, the door creaked open once more, and Tara's heart skipped a beat as she saw Prithvi enter, holding Manik in his arms.

Her eyes lit up with a mixture of joy and gratitude as she welcomed them both into the room.

Prithvi walked in slowly, Manik nestled securely in his embrace. The young boy looked around with curiosity, taking in the room and then finally locking eyes with Tara.

Manik's eyes filled with tears of overwhelming emotion as Prithvi carried him into the room where Tara awaited.

" Maa," Manik sobbed softly, his voice choked with happiness and relief.

Tara's eyes glistened with tears of her own as she reached out, her arms aching to hold her son.

Prithvi carefully lowered Manik onto the bed beside Tara, who enveloped him in a gentle hug.

Manik nestled into her embrace, his tears wetting her shoulder as he expressed all the emotions that had built up during their time apart.

"I missed you so much, Manik," Tara murmured, her voice thick with emotion.

Manik looked up at her, his eyes brimming with tears. "I missed you too, Maa," he whispered, his voice trembling.

Prithvi stood by the bedside, silently watching the tender reunion between mother and son.

His heart overflowed with relief and gratitude, seeing Tara and Manik together again.

He reached out and gently placed a reassuring hand on Manik's back, offering silent support during this deeply touching moment.

Together, Tara, Prithvi, and Manik found solace in each other's arms, a family united despite the challenges they faced.

It was a moment of profound love and resilience, reminding them all of the power of unconditional care and the bond that held them together through hardships.










Haters will hate, but some will love you too, 

Haters' words hurt more, that much is true. 

I found myself in the wrong place, wrong time, 

Chasing fake glitters, thinking love would shine. 

I was wrong, but I still want love to find, 

Oh people, tell me, be kind. 

What can I do to make you care? 

What must I do to earn your affection's light?

This game of hatred is killing me inside.


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