"Ah, please stop, no!" cried the woman tied to the chair, her voice a raw, desperate plea that echoed through the dimly lit room.

Blood oozed from the wounds on her arms, staining her once pristine dress in a gruesome tableau of crimson.

The hot, red blade of the knife descended with a cruel certainty, piercing her trembling palm with a sickening squelch.

Agony surged through her veins like wildfire, every nerve in her body screaming in protest.

"Please... it was a mistake... I won't repeat it," she begged, her voice trembling with fear and desperation, the words barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

"It was not a mistake but a sin, Lara," spoke the figure in the shadows, her voice a chilling whisper that sent a shiver down Lara's spine.

"Your hands tried to touch him in every way you could, and I don't like it when anyone touches what's mine," she hissed, punctuating her words with a sharp strike against the metal bars of the cage.

The sound of hungry dogs barking in the distance filled the room, their primal cries a haunting backdrop to the scene unfolding before her.

Lara's heart raced as she strained against the ropes that bound her to the chair, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

"No... You... can't do this to me," she pleaded, her voice choked with tears and disbelief.

"For God's sake, I am your friend," Lara cried out, her voice cracking with the weight of her desperation, the words a futile attempt to appeal to the humanity she hoped still lingered within her captor.

"My dogs have been hungry for the past two days... they want food," said the figure in a tone devoid of emotion, her words a stark reminder of the perilous situation Lara found herself in.

"Please... I am sorry," Lara sobbed, her voice a broken whisper as she stared into the abyss of her own impending doom, her fate sealed by the merciless hands of fate.

But the merciless fate of Lara didn't help her; the doors of the cage swung open, unleashing the hungry dogs upon her with a ferocious hunger that knew no bounds.

With a deafening roar, the frenzied pack surged forward, their primal instincts driving them to tear their prey apart with ruthless efficiency.

Lara's screams echoed through the room as the ravenous beasts descended upon her, their sharp teeth and claws tearing into her flesh with savage brutality.

Blood sprayed in all directions as she fought desperately for her life, her cries drowned out by the snarls and growls of her attackers.

In a final act of defiance, Lara lashed out with whatever strength remained in her battered body, striking out at the relentless onslaught of fur and fangs.

But it was futile; overwhelmed by the sheer force of the pack, she was quickly overwhelmed, her body torn apart in a gruesome display of primal violence.

As the last echoes of her screams faded into the darkness, the hungry dogs feasted upon their fallen prey, their hunger sated at last by the taste of blood and flesh.

And in the cold silence that followed, Lara's fate was sealed-a grim reminder of the merciless cruelty of fate, and the fragility of life in a world ruled by primal instinct.

" š˜šØš® š¤š§šžš° š‹ššš«šš, š­š”ššš­ šˆ ššØš§'š­ š­šØš„šžš«ššš­šž ššš§š²šØš§šž šœš„ššš¢š¦š¢š§š  š°š”ššš­'š¬ šŒšˆšš„ "

She whispered with a sinister smile, her eyes gleaming as the dogs tore into Lara, shredding her piece by piece.

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