𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂 - This chapter contains scenes depicting graphic violence and sexual assault, which may be disturbing or triggering to some readers.

Please be aware that this is a work of fiction, and the author unequivocally condemns and does not endorse these types of behaviors.

Reader discretion is advised.

"Sarkar, they have come," said the man.

His smirk grew broader and darker, his eyes glimmering with dark desires.

"Bring them here," he answered, never moving his eyes from Tara.

"Please... For God's sake... Please leave us," she begged, joining her hands together.

The leader's smirk widened. "Not so easily," he sneered, leaning closer to Tara. "I have to do worse to you than your husband did to my brother."

The forest was eerily silent, the only sound being the crunch of leaves underfoot as the new members arrived. Tara's heart pounded as she saw the two shadowy, womanly figures emerge from the darkness.

The leader's voice cut through the tension like a blade.

"See, I told you that I will bring that Thakur's wife and son here!" he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the forest, laced with triumph and malice.

The newly arrived figures exchanged looks of satisfaction, their eyes gleaming with sinister delight.

Tara tightened her grip on Manik, feeling his small body trembling against hers.

Her energy was spent, but her resolve remained unbroken. She whispered a silent prayer, hoping for a miracle in the face of the growing darkness and the palpable threat that surrounded them.

But fate had other plans. As the torchlight flickered and illuminated the faces of the new arrivals, Tara's heart sank.

Her resolve wavered as she recognized the familiar faces of two women among them. Their expressions of cruel anticipation shattered Tara internally, leaving her feeling more helpless than ever.

Tara's spirit faltered, the weight of despair heavy on her shoulders.

The forest seemed to close in around her, the darkness pressing down as the reality of her situation sank in.

She clung to Manik, her silent prayer turning into a desperate plea for deliverance.

"Maan gaye tumko... Uss Prithvi ke biwi aur bachche ko lekar hi aaye... Uhh," commented the woman as she stepped forward, her eyes burning with malice.

( Well done... You managed to bring Prithvi's wife and the child)

"Iski aisi halat karo ki... Uss se zindagi bhar yaad rahe... Kabhi naa bhul paye iss pal ko jaise main kabhi nahi bhul sakti ki kis tarah se usne meri behen ka khoon kiya tha," she said through gritted teeth, hatred shining in her eyes.

(Make her suffer in such a way that

He remembers it for the rest of his life... Just like I can never forget how he killed my sister.)

"We'll disgrace you so thoroughly that the world will spit on you. And Prithvi, he'll cast you out of his life forever. Because of you, I've lost everything - my status, my respect." said the other womanly figure, her voice dripping with venom.

Tara never in her worst nightmares thought that such words would come from their mouths, nor did she ever imagine they would stoop so low.

"Did you hear that... This is what your husband has done to us," the leader sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

"These are his sins, and you and your child will pay for them," he added, his eyes boring into Tara with a menacing intensity.

"Please," Tara whispered, her voice trembling.

"Please, don't hurt us. My child... he's innocent."

The leader laughed, a cold, heartless sound that echoed through the dark forest.

"Innocent? There are no innocents here. Only victims of your husband's arrogance."

Tara's silent prayers intensified, her hope dwindling as the full weight of their situation pressed down on her.

She could only hold Manik tighter, her tears mixing with the dirt on her face, as the shadows of their captors loomed ever closer.

"Please," Tara whispered, her voice trembling.

"Please, don't hurt us. My child and son, they are innocent."

The leader laughed, a cold, heartless sound that echoed through the dark forest.

"Innocent? There are no innocents here. Only victims of your husband's arrogance."

Tara's silent prayers intensified, her hope dwindling as the full weight of their situation pressed down on her.

She could only hold Manik tighter, her tears mixing with the dirt on her face, as the shadows of their captors loomed ever closer.

"Just destroy her," she whispered one last time, her voice a chilling command that echoed through the forest.

With that, the women figures turned and left, their departure leaving a palpable sense of dread in the air.

He and his men wore sinister smiles, their eyes glimmering with malicious intent.

Not once did a glimmer of HUMANITY shine in their cold, predatory gazes. Slowly, deliberately, they began to close in on Tara, forming a tight circle around her.

Tara's heart raced, and her grip tightened on Manik. She could feel his small body trembling against her, his innocent fear amplifying her own.

She held him close, determined to protect him at all costs, despite the exhaustion that weighed heavily on her.

Her instincts screamed at her to shield her son and child from the encroaching danger, even as her mind struggled to comprehend the full extent of the threat.

As one man approached and tried to pry Manik away, Tara's instincts kicked in, and she struggled fiercely.

"No, don't take him!" she protested, her voice strained with exhaustion. Every fiber of her being was focused on protecting her children.

Her grip tightened as she fought to keep Manik close.

"No!" she screamed, her voice echoing through the forest. In response, one of the men stepped forward, raising a thick iron stick high above his head. With all his energy, he brought it down hard on her head.

She fell back, hitting the dusty forest floor with a thud. Blood started to trickle from the wound on her head, mingling with the dirt.

Her vision blurred, and she could feel the sting of tears welling up in her eyes as Manik was torn from her arms.

"Maaa!! Maaa!! Maaa!!" Manik's desperate cries pierced the air as he struggled in the man's grip.

"Manik..." Tara whispered weakly, her hand reaching out towards him before collapsing helplessly to the ground.

Her heart shattered as she watched her son being carried away, his cries echoing in her ears, amplifying her helplessness and despair.

"Maaa!!" shouted Manik, his voice breaking with fear.

"Make that shit stop shouting," the leader barked, his irritation evident.

A harsh, forceful slap landed on Manik's small face, leaving a red mark and rendering him unconscious.

The man callously tossed Manik's limp body beneath a tree, as if disposing of a mere object.

Tara's heart wrenched at the sight, her desperation giving way to an overwhelming wave of helplessness.

Looking back at Tara, he crouched down, his eyes fixating on her swollen belly. Tara's face was pale, her breathing shallow as she struggled to stay conscious.

"Well, well," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Seems like there's another one on the way. Too bad it won't be able to see the world."

With deliberate cruelty, he straightened up and delivered a brutal kick to her vulnerable belly.


Tara cried out in agony, her entire body tensing in pain as she felt the force of the blow. Her vision blurred further, darkness threatening to engulf her.

The blood-soaked folds of Tara's saree bore silent witness to the life that had slipped away.

Surrounding her, the men watched as she crumpled, her hands instinctively clutching her belly, only to be struck again by another brutal blow.

"Aaaaah...!" Her scream echoed through the haze of encroaching unconsciousness.

He stared down at Tara with contempt. "This is all because of Prithvi. You're paying for his sins, for what he did to my brother," he sneered.

"And this is just the beginning," he continued callously. "There's much more brutality in store for you."

His gaze shifted to the knives heating over the fire, their blades glinting ominously in the flickering light.

The blades glowed red-hot in the firelight, casting flickering shadows across his face.

His eyes gleamed with a perverse anticipation, relishing the torment that lay ahead.

Sinister desire gleamed in his eyes as he anticipated the suffering Tara would endure.

He glanced at his men, a silent order passing between them.

One moved forward with calculated precision, seizing Tara's trembling hands and wrenching them above her head.

Her struggles were futile against the strength of her captors, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

Tara's consciousness faded, she felt the soft fabric of her saree being violently torn away, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.

The forest bore witness to the unspeakable cruelty and the profound loss of humanity as he and his men violated Tara's spirit.

In that moment, amidst the brutality and the loss of dignity, Tara's spirit cried out silently for mercy, for an end to the agony that engulfed her.







"Tara..." Prithvi's eyes shot open as he regained consciousness.

His vision was blurred, and a sharp pain throbbed in his head, making him wince. His mind raced as he remembered the desperate search, the crash, and the ominous figures.

As he blinked rapidly, trying to clear his sight, he saw a figure hovering above him.

Gradually, the figure came into focus, revealing Kusum in a disheveled state, her eyes red and swollen from crying.

"Maaa..." Prithvi whispered, his voice hoarse and weak.

"Suraj, Prithvi has come back to consciousness... call the doctor!" Kusum shouted urgently, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and anxiety.

"Yes, beta, I'm here," she said, moving closer to Prithvi. Her hand gently brushed his forehead, trying to comfort him.

"Tara... Manik... They..." he whispered, his voice trembling with fear and desperation.

"We will get them, beta. You don't worry," Kusum reassured him, her voice soothing yet heavy with her own unspoken fears.

But Prithvi didn't listen. The pain in his head was excruciating, a constant pounding that seemed to echo with every heartbeat, but his determination to find Tara and Manik overshadowed everything else.

Ignoring the pain, he struggled to sit up, his body protesting with every movement. His muscles felt weak and uncooperative, but his resolve was unbreakable.

"Beta, please, you need to rest," Kusum pleaded, but Prithvi shook his head, the motion sending another wave of agony through his skull.

"I have to find them," he said, his voice firmer now, fueled by a father's and a husband's desperate need to protect his family.

His vision swam, and the room tilted precariously, but he gritted his teeth and forced himself to swing his legs over the side of the bed.

Kusum's eyes filled with tears as she watched her son, torn between the need to keep him safe and the knowledge that he wouldn't rest until he found his wife and children.

"Prithvi, please, lie back down," Kusum implored, her voice breaking with worry.

She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, but he shook it off, his eyes blazing with a mix of fear and determination.

"Suraj! Where is Suraj?" Prithvi demanded, his voice rising despite the pain.

"Right here, bhaiyaa," Suraj said as he rushed into the room, a worried look etched on his face. "Doctor is on his way. You need to rest, brother."

"I can't rest!" Prithvi shouted, the effort making his head throb even more. He clenched his fists, trying to push past the pain. "Tara and Manik are out there. They need me!"

Suraj exchanged a troubled glance with Kusum. "We'll find them, bhaiyaa. But you need to regain your strength first."

Prithvi's vision blurred again, and he swayed unsteadily. Suraj quickly moved to support him, easing him back onto the bed.

"Listen to maa bhaiya," Suraj said gently but firmly. "You're no use to them if you're not well."

Prithvi's eyes filled with tears of frustration. "You don't understand. I felt them. They were in danger. I have to..."

"We understand, beta," Kusum said, her voice soothing. "But you need to heal. We'll search for them. We won't rest until they're safe."

Just then, PADMA entered the room with an air of authority, her presence commanding attention.

"Prithvi, you need to rest," she stated firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Doctor is here, let him examine you."

" To hell with the rest... I need to go! " shouted Prithvi, his voice filled with desperation and urgency.

" I will not rest untill I find them.. I not sta-"

Before he could finish his words, a sharp slap suddenly landed on his cheek.

The sound echoed briefly in the room, cutting through the air like a sudden crack of thunder.

Prithvi's head snapped to the side from the force of the blow, his cheek stinging with pain.

The room fell into an uneasy silence, punctuated only by the sharp sound of Kusum's hand striking Prithvi's cheek.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she stared at her son, her voice quivering with a mix of fear and desperation.

"Where will you go to find them?! Say it! Where will you go?!" Her words rang out, laced with urgency and a mother's frantic worry.

"Do you understand what could happen to them if you take one wrong step!! " She shouted.

" Maa, please," Suraj interjected softly, his voice tinged with concern, trying to diffuse the escalating tension.

"No!!!" Kusum's voice cracked, filled with a mother's anguish and unwavering resolve

" He needs to know!!" as she leaned closer to Prithvi, her eyes pleading for him to understand the gravity of the situation.

"Do you want to set fire to your own wife and son on their deathbed?" Her words hung heavily in the air, laden with the gravity of the moment and the consequences they all feared.

Prithvi looked up, his tear-blurred eyes meeting her piercing gaze. Her words cut through him, their brutal honesty leaving him raw and conflicted.

"I can't..." His voice trembled, barely more than a whisper.

"I can't bear the thought of losing them," he choked out, each word a struggle against the crushing weight of his despair.

His heart felt like it was shattering into pieces, the pain almost too much to endure. Every syllable he spoke was a testament to the depths of his anguish, a cry from the soul of a man teetering on the edge of hopelessness.






I know it may seem pointless to mention that this is a work of fiction, as many of us have become deeply emotionally attached to the story.

However, I ask you please do not take any steps to report this book based on this chapter alone.

If this scene is included, know that TARA WILL GET JUSTICE. This is not just an assurance, but a PROMISE that

I will WRITE the part where Tara RECEIVE the JUSTICE she deserves.

I appreciate your support and cooperation.

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