In the stillness of the night, Prithvi watched over Tara, his heart filled with a mixture of love and longing as she slept peacefully, her face radiant in the moonlight.

It had been too long since he had seen her like this, so serene and content, her gentle breathing a comforting melody in the quiet room.

Glancing at the clock, Prithvi realized the late hour-it was 3:20 a.m. He knew he had to leave before Tara woke and discovered the situation.

With a tender kiss on her forehead, he then leaned down to press his lips against her baby bump, whispering words of love and protection to their unborn child.

"Take care of yourself, my little PRINCESS, and don't disturb Maa, okay? Baba will come back soon," he murmured softly, his voice filled with affection and reassurance.

His hand rested protectively on her baby bump, feeling the gentle movements beneath his touch.

After expressing his love to both Tara and their baby, Prithvi carefully helped her into one of his kurtas, a comforting gesture that had become a tradition during her pregnancy.

Ensuring she was comfortable, he gently adjusted her position on the bed, placing pillows under her baby bump and between her legs for added support.

Covering her with a thin bedsheet, Prithvi took one last lingering look at Tara, his heart heavy with longing as he prepared to leave.

With a silent prayer for her well-being, he quietly slipped out of the room, leaving behind a sense of warmth and love that lingered in the air long after he was gone.







As Tara's eyes fluttered open, she found herself enveloped in the soft morning light filtering through the curtains.

The gentle rays danced across the room, casting warm patterns on the walls and floor. With a sense of tranquility, she stretched her limbs, savoring the comfort of the familiar surroundings.

She let out a soft sigh, Her hand instinctively reached out to the side of the bed, seeking the reassuring presence of Manik.

However, to her surprise, the space next to her was empty, devoid of the comforting warmth she had grown accustomed to.

Glancing at the clock on the bedside table, Tara noted the early hour-5:15 a.m.

Confusion creased her brow as she sat up, her mind struggling to shake off the remnants of sleep.

"Where is Manik?" Tara muttered to herself, her voice barely above a whisper in the quiet room.

She scanned the room, half-expecting to find her son hiding behind the curtains or curled up in his favorite spot by the window.

But the room remained still and silent, save for the soft rustling of the curtains in the gentle breeze.

With a growing sense of unease, Tara swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, the cool wooden floor beneath her feet grounding her in reality.

With each passing moment, the events of the previous night eluded her grasp, leaving behind a vague sense of disorientation.

She shook her head slightly, attempting to clear the fog that clouded her mind, but the memories remained elusive, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.

Then Kusum entered the room, and Tara, upon seeing her, asked, "Maaji, where is Manik?"

"He is with Prithvi, getting ready for puja," said Kusum. "Come, let me help you get ready too."







The morning sun poured through the windows, bathing the breakfast table in a warm glow as the family gathered to discuss Manik's upcoming birthday.

Excitement buzzed in the air as Tara, Kusum, and Manvi bustled about in the kitchen, ensuring everything was in place for the day ahead.

Tara lovingly coaxed Manik to finish his milk, her gentle encouragement met with playful resistance from the young boy.

Kusum chimed in with words of encouragement, her smile radiating warmth and affection as she watched the mother-son duo.

Meanwhile, Manvi busied herself with preparations, her hands deftly moving from one task to another as she assisted Tara in the kitchen.

The air was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed tea and the sound of sizzling pans as they worked together seamlessly.

Around the breakfast table, animated discussions ensued as Prithvi and his siblings brainstormed ideas for Manik's birthday celebration.

From theme suggestions to menu planning, everyone eagerly contributed their thoughts, each idea more creative than the last.

Laughter and chatter filled the room, creating a lively atmosphere that spoke of the love and bond shared by the family.

As they finalized the details for Manik's special day, anticipation bubbled within them, eager to create lasting memories for their beloved little family member.







3 𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧.

Tara rose with the first light of dawn, the anticipation of Manik's birthday filling her with excitement.

As she gently extricated herself from Manik's snug embrace, she planted a tender kiss on his forehead, whispering a heartfelt birthday blessing before slipping out of bed.

After quickly getting ready, Tara made her way towards the kitchen, the soft glow of early morning enveloping the house in a serene aura.

As she approached the kitchen, she noticed a flicker of activity inside. Curiosity piqued, she pushed the door open and stepped inside, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight before her.

There, standing by the stove, was Prithvi, his hands skillfully maneuvering the round, soft puris sizzling in the hot oil.

Tara watched in astonishment, her heart swelling with a mixture of bewilderment and appreciation at the unexpected sight.

Tara stood rooted to the spot, her mind struggling to process the scene unfolding before her. She was about to voice her surprise when Kusum entered the kitchen, her expression mirroring Tara's astonishment.

"Tara, what's the matter?" Kusum inquired, noticing the stunned look on her daughter-in-law's face.

"Look inside, Maaji," Tara whispered, gesturing towards Prithvi at the stove.

Kusum followed Tara's gaze and chuckled softly. "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Maaji, he's cooking. Since when does he know how to cook?" Tara asked, still trying to wrap her head around the unexpected turn of events.

Kusum smiled indulgently. "It's not just him. Jay alao knew how to cook."

Tara's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "How?"

"From the time they were children, they used to stick to me like shadows and wander around the kitchen. That's how they learned to cook," Kusum explained, her eyes twinkling with fond memories of their childhood antics.

Tara stood at the threshold of the kitchen, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the sight before her.

Prithvi, her husband, was in the midst of a culinary masterpiece, his skilled hands effortlessly managing multiple dishes at once.

"Maa, there I have kept the prasad, okay," Prithvi called out, his voice calm and composed despite the bustling activity in the kitchen.

Kusum nodded in acknowledgment as she surveyed the array of dishes laid out before her

Prithvi's culinary repertoire was impressive indeed. There was the comforting aroma of kichidi prasad, a wholesome blend of rice and lentils cooked to perfection.

Beside it, a pot of creamy kheer simmered gently on the stove, infusing the air with the fragrance of cardamom and saffron.

Puris sizzled in hot oil, their golden-brown exteriors promising a satisfying crunch with every bite.

Nearby, a fragrant potato curry bubbled in a pan, its rich aroma mingling with the scent of freshly ground spices.

A bowl of tangy chutney sat invitingly on the countertop, ready to add a burst of flavor to the meal.

And on a wire rack, golden-brown pakoras awaited their turn to join the feast, their crispy exteriors promising a delightful crunch.

Now, Prithvi turned his attention to preparing dahi bhalla, deftly whisking yogurt and spices together to create a creamy accompaniment for the meal.

Tara watched in admiration as he moved from one dish to another, his movements fluid and precise, a testament to his culinary skill and dedication to their family.

With each dish he prepared, Prithvi infused it with love and care, knowing that today was a special day for their son Manik.

As Tara took in the scene before her, she couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for her husband's thoughtfulness and the joy he brought to their home through his cooking.







With the preparations for Manik's birthday well underway, Tara and Prithvi with Mannu trailing behind made their way back to their room to wake up the birthday boy.

As they entered the room, they found Manik still nestled in his bed, his tousled hair framing his peaceful face.

Tara approached the bed first, her heart swelling with love as she gazed down at her sleeping son. She gently shook his shoulder, whispering softly,

"Manik, wake up, sweetheart. It's your special day today."

Manik stirred slightly, blinking his sleepy eyes open as he yawned and stretched. "Maa?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Yes, Manik, it's me," Tara replied, smiling down at him affectionately. "Guess what? It's your birthday today!"

Manik's eyes widened in excitement as he remembered the significance of the day. "My birthday?" he exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Yay!"

Prithvi stood nearby, watching the tender moment between mother and son with a warm smile. He reached out to tousle Manik's hair gently, his heart overflowing with love for his family.

"Happy birthday, my little boy," Prithvi said, his voice filled with genuine affection. "Are you ready to celebrate?"

Manik nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Mannu wagged his tail excitedly as he padded over to the bed, his eyes filled with curiosity and affection for his brother.

Manik's face lit up with joy at the sight of Mannu, reaching out to pet him gently. " Mannu!" he exclaimed, his laughter filling the room.

Mannu responded with a playful bark, his tail wagging even faster in response to Manik's attention.

He nuzzled against Manik's embrace enjoying the warmth of Manik's love.

Tara smiled at the heartwarming scene, "Mannu wants to wish you a happy birthday too, Manik," she said, ruffling the dog's fur fondly..






After Prithvi took Manik for a refreshing bath, Tara busied herself preparing Manik's special outfit for his birthday celebration.

She carefully selected a new small kurta and dhoti, laying them out neatly on the bed.

Meanwhile, Prithvi lovingly dried Manik's hair and helped him get dressed, ensuring every crease and fold of his outfit was just right.

Manik grinned with excitement, eager to don his new clothes for the festivities ahead.

Once Manik was dressed, Prithvi scooped him up into his arms, holding him close as they made their way to the puja hall where the rest of the family was already gathered.

Tara followed closely behind, a proud smile on her face as she watched her husband and son.

As they entered the hall, Manik's eyes widened with wonder at the sight of the decorations and offerings laid out for the puja.

He clung to Prithvi's shoulder, taking in the festive atmosphere with wide-eyed fascination.

The family greeted Manik with warm wishes and affectionate smiles, their hearts brimming with love for the birthday boy.

Tara joined them, her eyes shining with pride as she stood beside Prithvi, their son nestled safely in his arms.

Together, they prepared to celebrate Manik's special day, surrounded by the love and blessings of their cherished family.







After the puja, the family gathered around the breakfast table, with Manik nestled in Prithvi's arms, ready to celebrate his special day.

Tara, with a warm smile, insisted that Kusum, as the grandmother, have the honor of feeding Manik the first bite of kheer.

Kusum, touched by the gesture, happily obliged. She carefully spooned a small portion of the creamy kheer onto a plate and extended it towards Manik.

With gentle encouragement from Tara, Manik eagerly took a bite, his eyes lighting up with joy at the sweet taste.

Next, it was Tara's turn. She lovingly guided the spoon to Manik for another spoonful of kheer, encouraging him to enjoy more of the delicious dessert. Manik giggled with delight as he savored the treat, relishing the special attention from his mother.

Finally, Prithvi joined in, leaning over to offer Manik a spoonful of kheer himself.

Manik's laughter filled the room as he happily accepted the gesture from his father, feeling surrounded by love and warmth on his birthday morning.







On the joyous occasion of Manik's birthday, the family extended their celebrations beyond their home, spreading happiness and cheer to the entire village.

They organized a grand treat, inviting all the villagers to join in the festivities.

The air was filled with excitement as children and adults alike gathered to partake in the festivities.

Delicious food and sweets were served, with everyone indulging in the culinary delights prepared with love by Tara, Prithvi, and Kusum.

As part of the celebrations, Manik, adorned in his new birthday attire, took great pleasure in distributing gifts to the small children of the village with Prithvi.

Manik's eyes sparkled with joy as Prithvi handed out toys, sweets, and other presents, spreading smiles wherever he went.

In addition to the gifts, the family also made arrangements to offer new clothes and food to the less fortunate members of the community.

They reached out to those in need, ensuring that everyone could share in the happiness of the special day.

The village echoed with laughter and merriment as the celebrations continued, uniting the community in a spirit of love and generosity.

It was a birthday celebration to remember, filled with warmth, compassion, and the joy of giving.







The night enveloped them in its comforting embrace, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle luminescence over the terrace.

Tara and Kusum sat in quiet communion, finding solace in the shared moments of peace amidst the hustle and bustle of their daily lives.

"It was a beautiful celebration, wasn't it, Maaji?" Tara's voice, barely a whisper, broke the tranquil silence, her words carrying the echoes of the evening's festivities.

Kusum's eyes, still alight with the remnants of joy, met Tara's gaze with a nod of agreement.

"Indeed, it was, Tara. Manik's smile brought so much happiness to everyone's hearts," she replied, her voice suffused with warmth and affection.

A serene quiet settled over them, the gentle rustle of leaves in the night breeze the only sound to punctuate the stillness.

Then, like a ripple in a calm pond, Kusum's voice cut through the silence, tinged with a hint of sorrow.

"You know, Tara, in two days, it will be Jay's death anniversary."

Tara's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Jay, the memory of Prithvi's beloved twin brother casting a somber shadow over their conversation.

She blinked in surprise, her brow furrowing as she processed the weight of Kusum's words.

"Jay Bhaiya's death anniversary?" Tara repeated, her voice barely audible, her mind struggling to grasp the gravity of the impending anniversary.

Kusum nodded solemnly, her gaze softening with empathy as she reached out to comfort Tara.

"Yes..... It was the day when Prithvi felt like he had lost everything," she explained gently, her words heavy with shared sorrow.

Tara's heart ached with empathy for her husband, knowing that the anniversary would reopen old wounds and stir painful memories.

" Manik ke janam hone ke 2 din baad Jay maara gaya tha yaa fir kaha jaye toh MAAR DIYA GAYA THA..."

( Two days after Manik was born, Jay was dead-or rather, I should say, he was murdered.)

Tara's eyes widened in shock at the revelation, her heart heavy with the weight of Kusum's words.






As Tara quietly entered the room, a hush settled over the space, broken only by the soft rustle of curtains billowing gently in the night breeze.

The dim glow of moonlight filtered through the window, casting ethereal shadows across the room, illuminating the scene before her.

There, nestled in the embrace of sleep, lay Prithvi and Manik, the father and son duo, their figures bathed in the pale moonlight.

Prithvi lay on his back, his strong frame softened by the tender vulnerability of sleep. His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, a testament to the tranquility of his slumber.

Atop him, nestled against his chest, lay Manik, his small form curled protectively against his father.

His tousled hair framed his cherubic face, his lashes casting delicate shadows against his cheeks. .

His tiny immature hand rested against Prithvi's chest, fingers curled in peaceful repose.

Tara couldn't help but pause at the threshold, her heart swelling with an overwhelming sense of tenderness at the sight before her.

Then Tara quietly approached their sleeping figures, her steps soft and measured.

She leaned down, her heart swelling with maternal love, and placed a gentle kiss on Manik's head, feeling the warmth of his against her lips.

Her eyes then lingered on Prithvi, his face serene and peaceful in slumber. His features were softened by the moonlight, and in that moment, he looked utterly beautiful.

Drawn by an impulse she couldn't quite explain, Tara bent down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead as well.

It was the first time she had done something so intimate for Prithvi, a tender gesture that spoke volumes about the affection growing in her heart.

She drank in the scene, committing every detail to memory-the curve of Prithvi's jawline, the gentle rise and fall of Manik's chest, the intertwining of their hands-a portrait of paternal love frozen in time.







It was the day before Jay's death anniversary, the haveli was draped in a somber mood.

The usual liveliness had given way to a quiet, reflective atmosphere.

Tara stood on the open veranda, overseeing the items brought from the market, ensuring that every detail was attended to for the solemn occasion.

As she examined the offerings and decorations, a guard approached her with a respectful bow.

"Bhabhiji, aapke koi Bhaiya aaye hain."

( Bhabhiji, your brother has come)

Tara's brows furrowed in confusion. She looked toward the entrance and saw Manish standing outside the great iron doors.

"Bhaiya!" Tara called out, her face lighting up with joy. The guard allowed Manish to enter, and Tara, unable to contain her happiness, quickly jogged towards him.

"Slowly, Tara, don't run. It will hurt the baby," Manish admonished gently, his concern evident in his voice.

Tara slowed her pace, a broad smile spreading across her face. "Bhaiya, I'm so happy to see you," she said, her eyes shining with affection as she reached him.

Manish embraced Tara gently, his warmth and concern palpable.

"Kaisi hai meri gudiya aur yeh nanhi jaan kaisi hai?" he asked, his voice filled with affection.

(How is my doll, and how is this little one?)

"Everything is okay here, but is everything okay from your side, Bhaiya?" Tara inquired, her brows furrowed with concern.

"Haan, darasal Thakur Sahab ka bulawa aaya tha," Manish replied, his tone reassuring yet formal.

(Yes, actually Thakur Sahab had sent an invitation. )

Tara's brow furrowed further as she tried to understand the situation. Just then, Prithvi entered the scene, his presence commanding yet gentle.

"Namaste, Thakur Sahab," Manish said, joining his hands in respect towards Prithvi.

"Namaste," Prithvi replied, acknowledging Manish with a slight nod.

Tara looked between the two men, sensing a deeper meaning behind their exchange. Prithvi stepped closer, his eyes meeting Tara's with a mixture of determination and concern.

"Tara, I asked Manish to come because I want you and Manik to stay to go with him for a day," Prithvi began, his voice steady but soft. "Tomorrow is Jay's death anniversary, and I don't want Manik to witness anything that might upset him."

"And like this, you will get to meet your Masi and Manik will have a tour too," said Prithvi, his tone lightening as he tried to make the situation seem more cheerful.

Tara nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Okay... let me pack some clothes," she replied.

As she turned to head inside, Prithvi gently took her hand, stopping her for a moment. "Thank you, Tara," he said softly, his eyes conveying the depth of his gratitude.

Tara squeezed his hand in return, understanding the unspoken words between them.

She then went inside, her mind already making a list of what to pack for herself and Manik. The task at hand provided a welcome distraction from the emotional weight of the day.

Manish watched her go, then turned back to Prithvi.

"She'll be alright, Thakur sahab. Don't worry," he reassured, sensing the turmoil in his friend.

Prithvi nodded, taking a deep breath. "I know. It's just... I want to protect them from all this as much as I can."

Prithvi then told Manish to wait and called a servant over.

"Make the car ready," he ordered, his voice firm and resolute.






"Be careful, beta. I will manage everything here," Kusum said, her voice gentle yet firm as she supported Tara, guiding her towards the waiting car.

Tara nodded, her eyes reflecting gratitude and a touch of sadness.

She leaned into Kusum's comforting embrace, allowing herself to be guided down the steps of the haveli.

Manik was in Prithvi's arms, his small body nestled securely against his father's chest.

His eyes, wide with curiosity and excitement, darted between his grandmother and mother. Behind them, Mannu padded along, his tail wagging slightly, sensing the departure.

Manish was already seated in the car beside the driver, his presence a reassuring anchor for the journey ahead. As Tara reached the car, Manish opened the door, ready to help her inside.

"Thank you, Maaji," Tara said softly, turning to give Kusum a quick hug before stepping into the car. She settled into her seat, her hand instinctively reaching out to touch her baby bump, a silent promise of protection.

Prithvi approached the car, gently placing Manik on Tara's lap. "Take care of Maa, Manik," he said, his voice tender as he ruffled his son's hair.

Manik nodded earnestly, his small arm reaching out to touch his mother's cheek. "I will, Baba," he promised, his voice full of innocent determination.

Prithvi smiled, his heart swelling with love and pride. He then turned to Tara, his eyes locking onto hers with a depth of emotion. "I wish you a safe journey, Tara. Take care of yourself and Manik."

Tara nodded," Ji, aap apna khayal rakhiye ga"

(I will, Take care of yourself too.)

Kusum stood by the car, her hand resting on the door. "Go safely, and don't worry about anything here. We'll handle everything," she said, her voice strong and reassuring.

With one last look at his family, Prithvi closed the car door gently. The driver started the engine, and the car began to move slowly down the driveway. Tara waved, her heart heavy but filled with hope.

As the car disappeared from sight, Prithvi , Mannu and Kusum stood side by side, watching until it was out of view.

The silence between them was filled with unspoken concerns and the weight of the coming days.

Prithvi took a deep breath, his eyes still fixed on the spot where the car had vanished. "She and Manik will be safe with Manish and his mother, Maa." he said, more to reassure himself than Kusum.

Kusum placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Yes, she will be. They will be back soon."

Prithvi nodded, drawing strength from his mother's unwavering faith. Together, they turned back towards the haveli, ready to face the days ahead, their hearts fortified by the strength of their family's love and the hope of better times.









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