"Prithvi, do you have any idea what your Dadi will do to Tara in your absence?" Kusum's voice held a note of concern, her brows furrowing with worry.

"For Dadi, too, I have arranged something," Prithvi replied confidently, his tone tinged with determination.






As the new day began, everyone gathered at the dining table for breakfast. Amidst the clinking of cutlery and the aroma of freshly cooked food, Prithvi's voice rang out, commanding the attention of all present.

"I have something to inform all of you," he announced, his tone serious yet determined.

The room fell silent as Prithvi's words echoed in the air, each syllable laden with the weight of his decision.

Prithvi took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing.

"All of you know my friend Abhijeet is in America, and a few days ago, I received a letter from him informing me that he was involved in an accident there. None of his family members are able to go to him, so I've decided to go there myself."

His announcement hung in the air, leaving a palpable tension in the room as everyone processed his words.

Deepak's voice cut through the silence, his tone harsh and accusatory.

"What do you mean you're going? Last time you went off like this, it was to chase after that useless PhD degree. I won't allow you to abandon your responsibilities of been Thakur again."

Prithvi's expression remained impassive as he responded, his voice cold and detached.

"I am not asking for permission. I am simply informing you of my decision."

Deepak's words stung, but Prithvi refused to let them shake his resolve.

"If someone's father is like you, who doesn't want his children to pursue their dreams and achieve success, then what can they do?" Prithvi retorted, the bitterness evident in his


"You..." Deepak began, his anger evident in his voice, but Padma quickly interjected.

"This is how you talk to your father?" she reprimanded Prithvi, her tone stern. "Don't forget, Prithvi, he provided you with shelter and food to survive."

Prithvi's gaze hardened as he met Padma's eyes.

"Yes, how can I forget?" he replied bitterly. "Besides doing all this, he also turned our lives like a living corpse."

" You can't say... " Padma was about to interject, her voice filled with indignation, but Prithvi cut her off with a firm tone.

" I have made some arrangements for you too, Dadi," Prithvi declared, his expression serious.

"You are aging, and it's time for you to focus on your spiritual well-being and reconnect with relatives. I have already made all the arrangements. You will visit Varanasi, then Rishikesh, followed by a stay at Ramu Dadu's home, and finally Mathura. You will spend the next few months traveling to these places."

Padma's retort was sharp. "But I don't want to go," she snapped harshly.

Prithvi remained composed, unmoved by Padma's resistance. "I am just informing you, Dadi," he replied calmly. "Your bags are packed, and you will start your journey from tomorrow."

Padma's features hardened, her tone bitter. "I understood, I have become a burden, right? That's why you are doing this to me!!," she accused, her words laden with resentment.

As Prithvi stood firm in his decision, a tense silence enveloped the room. Padma's words hung in the air, casting a shadow over the otherwise subdued atmosphere. Breaking the palpable silence, Prithvi spoke again.

"Dadi, this is not about burdening you. It's about giving you the opportunity to find peace and solace in your later years. These spiritual journeys will nourish your soul and reconnect you with your roots."

Padma's features remained stern, her eyes flashing with defiance. "I don't want to go," she declared firmly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"You will start your journey from DAY AFTER TOMORROW," Prithvi stated firmly, his voice carrying the weight of his decision. With that, he left the dining table, leaving a tense atmosphere behind.

Tara continued feeding Manik, her expression unreadable as she remained silent, seemingly lost in her own thoughts amidst the unfolding drama.







In the same evening, as Tara watched Manik playing with Mannu, she felt a gentle presence approaching from behind. A soft voice called out her name, and she tensed slightly, her heart skipping a beat.

"Tara..." The voice was barely a whisper, but it carried a weight of emotions that Tara couldn't ignore.

She turned her head ever so slightly, enough to acknowledge Prithvi's presence but not fully enough to meet his gaze.

Her hands instinctively tightened around the fabric of her saree as she braced herself for the conversation that was about to unfold.

"I understand that it's hard to let go of the past, Tara. I won't push you, but if you still have faith in me, I'd like to take you to a place that holds great significance for you. It would mean a lot to me, and perhaps it could bring us some peace,"

Prithvi spoke softly, his words carrying a genuine sincerity.

After Prithvi's heartfelt request, Tara remained silent for a moment, contemplating his words. She could sense the sincerity in his voice.

Finally, she nodded ever so slightly, a silent acknowledgment of his proposal.

Without uttering a word, she rose from her seat, her eyes avoiding Prithvi's gaze.

Prithvi simply guided the way, staying a few steps behind her. Meanwhile, Kusum silently came and sat on the bench where Tara was previously seated, watching Manik and Mannu playing. Kusum silently observed them leave, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions.

Prithvi led Tara to his vintage black car, a classic beauty of 1950s that had been meticulously maintained. Tara hesitated for a moment before entering the car, her hand lingering on the door handle as she took in its nostalgic charm.

With a gentle smile, Prithvi joined her inside the car and started the engine. The soft purr of the vintage vehicle filled the air as they embarked on their journey together, leaving behind the familiar surroundings and venturing into the unknown.







As the vintage car glided through the streets, Tara's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She stole glances out of the window, watching the world pass by in a blur of colors and shapes.

Prithvi drove in silence, his hands steady on the wheel, his thoughts seemingly lost in the road ahead.

After some time, they left the bustling Raigarh behind and entered the outskirts, where the roads grew narrower and the surroundings more serene.

The car wound its way through lush green fields and winding paths, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of wildflowers.

Tara felt a sense of deja vu as they ventured deeper into the countryside. The fields seemed familiar, the air tinged with memories of a simpler time.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia as they passed by familiar landmarks and landscapes.

Prithvi remained silent, his expression unreadable as he navigated the winding roads.

The clouds above cast shifting shadows over the landscape, adding to the sense of tranquility that enveloped them.

Finally, the car came to a stop at a familiar place – her childhood home. Tara's heart skipped a beat as she gazed upon the quaint cottage, memories flooding back with each passing moment. It was here that she had spent her happiest days, surrounded by love and laughter.

But the joy was short-lived, as the memory of her father's death and the subsequent hardships came flooding back. She swallowed hard, blinking back tears as she stepped out of the car and approached the cottage, her heart heavy with emotion.

With each step, she felt the weight of years of pain and loss pressing down upon her. The memories of her parents's laughter echoed in her ears, mingling with the sounds of nature all around.

The air seemed to crackle with the intensity of her emotions, threatening to overwhelm her fragile resolve.

Prithvi watched silently, he longed to reach out to her, to offer her comfort and solace in her moment of need. But he knew that some wounds ran too deep to be healed with mere words.

As Tara stood before the cottage, her heart heavy with the weight of her past, she felt a sense of peace wash over her.

Despite the pain and suffering she had endured, this place would always hold a special corner in her heart – a reminder of happier times and the love she had once known.

With a deep breath, Tara closed her eyes and let the memories wash over her, embracing the pain and the joy that came with them.

And in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the countryside and the echoes of her past, she found a glimmer of hope – a promise of brighter days to come.

As Tara stood before the cottage, her heart heavy with the weight of her past, she felt a sense of longing wash over her. Memories of her parents flooded her mind, bringing with them a bittersweet mix of joy and sorrow.

But as she gazed upon the cottage, she noticed something remarkable – the vibrant colors of freshly bloomed flowers, just like before when Little Tara and her mother left the place after selling the land unwillingly.

Tears welled up in Tara's eyes as she took in the sight before her. She remembered how she used to watch her mother tend to the garden, planting new flowers and nurturing them with love and care.

With trembling hands, Tara reached out to touch the petals of a nearby flower, feeling the softness beneath her fingertips.

She closed her eyes, allowing herself to be enveloped by the scent of the flowers, a sweet fragrance that filled her soul with warmth and peace.

Prithvi watched silently from a distance, his heart swelling with love and admiration for the woman before him.

He had wanted to create a place where Tara could find solace, where she could feel close to her parents once again.

"Tara..." Prithvi's voice was soft, yet it carried the weight of a lifetime of memories.

As Tara turned towards him, her eyes locked onto the small pot wrapped in red cloth that he held out to her. Her heart clenched at the sight, knowing instantly what it contained – her mother's ashes.

The air seemed to grow heavy with unspoken emotions as Tara reached out to take the pot from Prithvi.

Each movement felt like a struggle against the overwhelming grief that threatened to consume her.

Prithvi's gaze held hers, his eyes reflecting a mixture of understanding and compassion.

"As you being her child, you should let her set free," he said, his voice barely above a whisper but resonating deeply within Tara's soul.

Tara nodded, her throat constricted with emotion. With trembling hands, she accepted the pot, feeling the weight of her mother's presence in every touch.

Tears blurred her vision as she cradled the pot against her chest, clinging to the last tangible connection she had with her beloved mother.

Her heart felt as though it would burst with the intensity of her grief, yet she found solace in the warmth of the pot against her skin.

Each heartbeat echoed the rhythm of her mother's love, reminding her that she was never truly alone.

As tears streamed down her cheeks, Tara closed her eyes, allowing herself to be enveloped by the flood of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

In that moment, she surrendered to the pain, knowing that it was the only path to healing.

Prithvi stood beside her, a silent pillar of support amidst the storm of emotions. Together, they shared the weight of Tara's grief, finding strength in each other's presence.

Tara knew that she was not alone. She had the courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that her parents's spirit would always be with her, guiding her along the journey of life.







As Tara held the pot containing her mother's ashes close to her chest, tears streamed down her cheeks, mingling with the gentle breeze that whispered through the air.

Each step towards the riverbank felt like a journey through a lifetime of memories, each memory a bittersweet reminder of the love she had lost.

Prithvi walked beside her, his presence a silent solace in the midst of her grief.

His hand rested lightly on her shoulder, offering silent support and understanding. Together, they approached the edge of the river, its tranquil surface reflecting the colors of the setting sun.

With trembling hands, Tara released the ashes into the water, watching as they dissolved and scattered, carried away by the currents.

Each grain of ash represented a piece of her mother's essence, a part of her soul that would forever be intertwined with the river's gentle embrace.

As she watched her mother's spirit drift away, a wave of emotions washed over Tara – sadness, longing, but also a profound sense of peace.

In that moment, she felt as though a weight had been lifted from her heart, replaced by a deep sense of connection to her mother's eternal presence.

Prithvi stood beside her, his own eyes filled with tears, yet his expression one of unwavering strength and love. Together, they shared a moment of silent communion with the river, honoring the life and legacy of Tara's mother.

And as the last of the ashes disappeared into the water, Tara felt a sense of release, as if a burden had been lifted from her soul. She knew that her mother's spirit would always be with her, guiding her through the trials and triumphs of life, a comforting presence in times of darkness and doubt.







As Tara and Prithvi journeyed back from the cottage, the tranquil countryside gradually transformed into a scene of impending peril.

The winding road, illuminated only by the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the dense canopy above, seemed to stretch endlessly before them.

As they rounded a bend in the road, the distant rumble of engines grew louder, echoing through the silent night air.

Prithvi's grip on the steering wheel tightened instinctively, his senses tingling with foreboding.

Suddenly, the stillness was shattered by the sharp screech of tires and the thunderous roar of approaching vehicles.

The sound seemed to reverberate through the trees, drowning out all other noise and sending a chill down Tara's spine.

Before they could comprehend what was happening, a makeshift barricade appeared on the road ahead, blocking their path.

Tara's heart leaped into her throat as she caught sight of masked figures emerging from the shadows, their forms illuminated by the harsh glare of headlights.

The masked men moved with swift, purposeful strides with mashals in their hand, surrounding the car with an air of menacing determination.

Their faces obscured by mask and their intentions unclear, they brandished weapons with a threatening flourish.

Prithvi remained resolute, his jaw set in determination as he surveyed the scene before him.

His mind raced with the urgency of the situation, his every instinct screaming at him to protect Tara at all costs.

As fear gripped Tara's heart like a vice, she turned to Prithvi, her voice trembling with apprehension.

"What's happening?" she managed to whisper, her eyes wide with fear.

Prithvi's expression was grim as he met her gaze, his tone edged with urgency. "We've been ambushed," he replied tersely, his voice barely audible above the cacophony of noise surrounding them.








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