"Why are you giving such good news in a hesitant tone, Daima? Is everything alright with Tara and the baby?"

Kusum's voice was laced with concern, her brows furrowed in worry. Prithvi's gaze mirrored her apprehension as he awaited the midwife's response.

"There is a problem," the midwife began, her tone serious and somber.

"She is not in a good state of mind. And it seems like her body is very weak to carry the baby. She may face serious complications. Whenever a woman becomes pregnant, we not only need to take physical care but mental care as well. She seems to be so depressed, and this reflects upon her face."

"And a month ago we already did her treatment, in that time also her body become more weak.... You need to take care of her... If this continues then there are high chances of MISCARRIAGE because being pregnant at such a tender age and been depressed is a risk for both the baby and the mother.... You should be careful,"

on hearing Mid wife's words.

As the midwife concluded, Prithvi felt a shiver ran down his spine .

After the midwife departed not before accepting a tip from Prithvi.

Prithvi and Kusum entered the room, their footsteps echoing softly in the quiet space.

Tara lay unconscious on the bed, her face serene despite the turmoil within.

Prithvi gently took her hand, his fingers tracing the scars and burns that marred her delicate skin.

Meanwhile, Kusum stood behind Prithvi, her heart heavy with worry and sadness.

Her mind raced with thoughts of Tara's behavior over the past month.

Tara, once known for her lively spirit despite her reserved nature, now seemed to be shrouded in an unusual silence.

Her quiet demeanor was a stark departure from the vibrant girl they had known.

In the kitchen, where they had once shared countless conversations and laughter, Tara now remained silent, her thoughts seemingly lost in the shadows of her own mind.

Gone were the days of endless chatter and shared moments of camaraderie. Tara's silence hung heavy in the air, a palpable reminder of the pain she carried within.

Though she would offer a smile to Kusum from time to time, it lacked the warmth and genuineness it once held.

It was as if Tara's smile was merely a facade, masking the turmoil that raged beneath the surface.

During meals, Tara's lack of appetite was a cause for concern. Despite Kusum's efforts to coax her into eating, Tara would merely push her food around her plate, her appetite diminished by the weight of her troubles.

The small room they shared in the kitchen, once a place of comfort and solace, now felt suffocating in its silence.

As Kusum watched Tara's struggle, her heart ached with a sense of helplessness.

She longed to see the spark return to Tara's eyes, to hear her laughter ring out once more. But she knew that healing would take time, and that Tara's journey to recovery would be fraught with challenges.

All she could do was offer her love and support, hoping that it would be enough to help Tara find her way back to herself.As Prithvi and Kusum stood by Tara's bedside, a sense of helplessness washed over them.


Kusum and Prithvi were lost in their thoughts, their reverie interrupted by the arrival of little Manik, with Mannu trailing behind him.

Manik jumped into his father's lap, his youthful energy filling the room. His innocent eyes scanned the room until they landed on his mother's sleeping form.

Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, he turned to his father and asked innocently,

"Baba, why is Maa sleeping at this time?"

Prithvi exchanged a glance with Kusum, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken worries.

How could he explain to his son the depth of Tara's pain, the invisible scars that marred her spirit?

"Beta," Prithvi began, his voice gentle yet tinged with sadness, "Maa is just tired. She needs to rest so she can feel better."

Manik's brows furrowed in concern, his young mind struggling to comprehend his mother's condition. He leaned closer to Prithvi, his small hand grasping his father's tightly as if seeking reassurance.

"But why is Maa tired, Baba?" Manik persisted, his innocent curiosity shining in his eyes.

Prithvi's heart ached at his son's question, torn between shielding him from the harsh realities of life and imparting the truth with gentle honesty.

Prithvi exchanged a glance with Kusum, silently debating whether to tell Manik the truth. After a moment of contemplation, he decided to be honest with his son.

"Because," Prithvi began, his voice gentle yet tinged with sadness, "your little sister..... "

" Your BROTHER! "

Before Prithvi could finish his sentence, Padma entered the room, her presence commanding attention. She carried a dark aura with her, her gaze piercing as she addressed Prithvi and Kusum.

"Your brother is going to come," Padma declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Prithvi's brows furrowed at Padma's statement. Why the insistence on a boy? They already had Manik, their son. Why couldn't he desire a daughter just as much?

"Tera Beta hi hoga ," said Padma while piercing her gaze at Prithvi, her words felt more like a command to Prithvi than a mere statement.

( You will have a Son)

" Aur agar nahi hua, toh jo aayegi , uske aate hi bhagwaan kare uss apne pass bulale " Declared Padma in dark tone.

(And if it doesn't happen, may God call her to Himself as soon as she arrives)

" Aap esa khese keh sakti hai Maaji... Manik samne khada hai... Uske samne toh esa naa bole" said Kusum.

( How can you say such a thing, Maaji? Manik is right here... Don't speak like that in front of him)

Prithvi's heart sank at Padma's words, a mixture of anger and helplessness brewing within him.

He couldn't fathom Padma's callousness towards the life growing within Tara, nor could he understand her fixation on having a son.

"Dadi , every child is a blessing, whether a boy or a girl," Prithvi interjected, his voice laced with quiet resolve.

"We should cherish and welcome them with open arms, regardless of their gender."

Padma's expression hardened at Prithvi's words, her gaze icy as she regarded him with disdain.

"A son is the pride of the family, Thakur Sahab," she retorted, her tone unyielding. "And I will not rest until we have one."

"But we have Manik," said Prithvi.

"And he is not capable, you know that Thakur Sahab," said Padma, giving a disgusted look at Manik.

"You can't talk like this about my Manik, Dadi," protested Prithvi.

Prithvi bristled at Padma's disparaging remarks about Manik, unable to hide his displeasure at her words.

Kusum watched the exchange silently, her heart heavy with apprehension. She knew that Padma's traditional beliefs ran deep, but she couldn't condone her disregard for the sanctity of life.

As tensions simmered in the room, Prithvi's thoughts turned to Tara, his heart aching for her well-being amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

He knew that they would need to navigate these challenges together, as a family, if they were to overcome the obstacles that lay ahead.

In the midst of the tense atmosphere, Manik's innocent voice broke through the silence.

"But why does it matter that I get is a brother or a sister, Baba?" he asked, his eyes wide with confusion.

Prithvi's heart swelled with pride at his son's question, a glimmer of hope amidst the discord.

"It doesn't matter, Manik," he replied, his voice gentle yet firm.

"What matters is that the baby is healthy and loved."

"Of course, Thakur Sahab," she conceded, her tone begrudgingly respectful. "But a son would ensure the continuation of our lineage."

" And that's final and no one will speak another word on this, and Manik, you will have a baby brother, understood! "

declared Padma sternly, her authoritative voice leaving no room for argument. With a final glance at the family, she exited the room, her presence lingering like a dark cloud over their heads.

As Padma left the room, a heavy silence descended upon the space, each member lost in their own thoughts.

Prithvi's mind raced with conflicting emotions, torn between his loyalty to his grandma and his concern for Tara and their unborn child.

Kusum, on the other hand, struggled to comprehend the cruelty of Padma's words, her heart aching for Tara and the difficult path ahead.

Manik, sensing the tension in the room, looked up at his father with innocent eyes, silently questioning the gravity of the situation.

Prithvi, unable to bear the weight of his son's gaze, gathered him into his arms, holding him close as if to shield him from the harsh realities of the world outside.

Meanwhile, Tara remained unconscious on the bed, oblivious to the turmoil unfolding around her. Her fragile state served as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the preciousness of each moment.







As Tara's consciousness slowly returned, her surroundings appeared blurry and indistinct.

Through the haze, she heard the familiar voice of Manik, calling out in urgency.

" Baba! Baba!" Manik's voice rang out, the urgency in his tone piercing through the fog of Tara's mind.

Slowly, her vision began to clear, and she saw the faint outline of Manik sitting before her, his form blurry yet unmistakable.

Her heart clenched at the sound of his voice, the love and concern evident in every syllable.

Despite the uncertainty that clouded her mind, Tara felt a surge of warmth at the realization that little Manik was by her side.

Tara blinked, trying to clear her vision as she struggled to make sense of her surroundings.

Slowly, the fog in her mind began to lift, and she became aware of the soft warmth of the bed beneath her and the faint light filtering through the window.

"Manik..." she whispered, her voice barely audible .

Manik's eyes lit up with relief as he saw Tara stirring.

"Maa" his voice filled with joy and excitement. He leaned closer, his small hand reaching out to grasp hers in a gentle embrace.

Tara managed a weak smile, her heart swelling with love for her son.

Despite the heaviness that still lingered in her heart, seeing Manik's face filled her with a sense of peace and reassurance.

"Manik...beta..." Tara murmured, her voice still hoarse from sleep.

She reached out to caress his cheek, her touch tender and filled with love.

Manik's eyes sparkled with happiness as he looked at his mother.

"Maa, I missed you," he said, his voice filled with innocence and sincerity.

Tara's heart swelled with love for her son, and she pulled him into a warm embrace, cherishing the moment of connection between them.

As Prithvi entered the room, his steps faltered slightly at the sight of Tara lying in bed, her expression guarded and distant. He approached her bedside with cautious steps, his heart heavy with the weight of their strained relationship.

"Tara..." Prithvi's voice wavered, his words tinged with regret and longing.

Tara met his gaze with a steely resolve, her disappointment palpable in the air between them.

The silence stretched between them, filled with unspoken words and unresolved tensions.

"I know I've hurt you," Prithvi finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "And I'm sorry, Tara. I'm so sorry for everything."

Tara's expression softened slightly at his words, but the walls around her heart remained firmly in place. She had heard his apologies before, but they rang hollow in the face of his past actions.

"There are wounds that run deep, wounds that won't heal with mere words." Tara said, her voice tinged with bitterness.

Prithvi nodded solemnly, his heart aching at the pain he had caused her. He knew that earning back her trust would be a long and arduous journey, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make amends.

"I understand," he said softly, his voice filled with determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us, Tara. I won't give up on us."

" Maa you know a baby brother is coming! "

As Manik's innocent words echoed in the room, Tara's heart skipped a beat. She stared at him, her eyes widening in disbelief at the unexpected news.

"Brother...?" Tara repeated, her voice barely above a whisper, her mind struggling to comprehend the implications of Manik's words.

Manik nodded eagerly, his face alight with excitement. "Yes, Maa! Badi Dadi said I'm going to have a baby brother!"

Tara's breath caught in her throat as the realization dawned upon her. She looked towards Prithvi, her eyes searching his face for confirmation. He stood beside Manik, his expression a mixture of nervous anticipation and silent plea.

Slowly, the truth sank in, and Tara felt a whirlwind of emotions washing over her.

How could she bring a child into a world filled with so much pain and betrayal? How could she trust Prithvi again, knowing the mistakes he had made in the past?

Her face paled on hearing the news, her mind swirling with uncertainty and fear.

The mention of a baby stirred a deep-seated fear within Tara. How could she navigate the complexities of motherhood when her own heart remained fractured?

How could she protect her children from the pain and betrayal that had plagued their family?

With a heavy heart, Tara forced a weak smile for Manik's sake, masking her inner turmoil behind a facade of calm.

But deep down, she knew that the journey ahead would test her strength and resilience like never before.







As Tara entered her second month of pregnancy, her behavior towards Prithvi remained distant and disappointing.

Despite the news of their impending child, Tara couldn't shake off the lingering pain and betrayal from Prithvi's past actions.

She withdrew into herself, her once lively spirit dampened by the weight of her emotions. Conversations between them became strained, filled with unspoken tension and unresolved issues.

Tara found it difficult to trust Prithvi again, her heart guarded against the possibility of further hurt.

Prithvi, for his part, tried to bridge the growing distance between them, but his efforts often fell short in the face of Tara's walls.

He longed to make amends, to prove his love and devotion to her and their unborn child, but Tara's continued disappointment left him feeling helpless and lost.

Amidst this turmoil, Padma began to pressure Tara to give birth to a son, adding to her already heavy burden.

The expectations weighed heavily on her, further straining her relationship with Prithvi and complicating their already troubled journey.







One evening, as Prithvi and Kusum stood on the balcony, watching the sun dip below the horizon, a heavy silence hung in the air. In the fading light, Prithvi's voice broke the stillness.

"Maa," he began, his tone weighted with concern, "I have tried everything, but I can't seem to make her feel safe or at ease around me. Every time I'm near her, she seems to withdraw further into herself, becoming more depressed in my presence."

As Prithvi expressed his concern, Kusum placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, her touch a silent reassurance of her support.

"Prithvi, my child," she said softly, her voice tinged with empathy, "sometimes healing takes time, and wounds run deeper than we can imagine. Tara is carrying a heavy burden, and it will take patience and understanding to help her find her way back to us."

"But her state of mind and body are not good for her. I never wanted Tara to get pregnant at this age, and I took all possible measures to prevent it. But my one mistake, my anger, not only destroyed our relationship but also put Tara and the baby's life in danger."

"I understand, Prithvi," Kusum replied, her voice soft but resolute.

"We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it and strive to do better in the future. Tara needs our love and support now more than ever, and together, we will find a way to help her through this."

Prithvi nodded, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "And that's why I made a decision," he said. "I believe it's best for Tara's well-being. I know you will take good care of her when I am away."

Prithvi smiled softly, his emotions evident in his tear-filled eyes.

"Prithvi, what do you mean beta?" Kusum asked, her voice tinged with concern.







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