Tara's world came crashing down as the old man's words sank in. "Chal bashi..." The phrase echoed in her mind, a cruel reminder of her mother's sudden departure from this world. Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to comprehend the enormity of the news.

"Chal bashi? Maa... no, it can't be..." Tara's voice trembled with disbelief and sorrow, her heart heavy with grief. She felt as though the ground beneath her had been pulled away, leaving her adrift in a sea of emotions.

Tara's anguish echoed through the room as she refused to accept the reality of her mother's passing. Kusum, too, was visibly shaken by the news, her heart aching for Tara's loss, onces she also wished to meet Aruna but destiny wanted something else.

"I... I want to meet maa, you are lying Kaka, my maa can't leave me alone here, she promised me she will be always there for me... You are lying," Tara sobbed uncontrollably, her voice choked with grief and disbelief.

"In ti kam umar mein Aruna chal bashi," the old man muttered in sorrow, his words carrying the weight of the tragic news.

( In such a young age, Aruna passed away.)

"I want to meet Maa... " She looked at Padma who seemed unaffected by the news.

"Dadiji, I want to meet my mother, please let me go there," said Tara, tears streaming down her face.

But an unexpected reply came from Padma, "After what you've done with your husband, you still have the audacity to attend your mother's funeral? You know why there's sudden news of your mother's death? It's because of your Karma. You cheated on your husband, and now you're facing the consequences."

Kusum was shocked by Padma's inhumane words. Unable to resist herself, Kusum said, "Maaji, please let her go. She just lost her mother, and we can set aside all these issues for now."

" No, she will not go, that too in a widow woman's funeral, Never! " said Padma.

"Dadiji," Tara's voice quivered with emotion as she addressed Padma, "if it's your wish that I never step foot outside these house boundaries again, I will abide by it faithfully. But in this moment, with my mother's passing, please grant me this one request... Please let me go."

Her eyes welled with tears as she bowed her head, touching Padma's feet in a gesture of desperation and humility. "I promise to return as soon as I can, but I need to be with my mother one last time, to bid her farewell properly."

Padma's face twisted in disgust as she firmly reiterated her decision. "No means no, and that's final. You will not go," she declared, her tone unwavering.

Tara fell silent, her heart heavy with grief and determination. Despite Padma's refusal, something stirred within her, compelling her to defy the old woman's orders.

With trembling resolve, she rose to her feet and whispered, "I... I will go."

Limping slightly, Tara made her way towards the grand door, each step a testament to her unwavering determination.

Padma's voice rang out behind her, commanding her to stop, but Tara pressed on, her resolve unyielding.

"Stop there, Tara!" Padma called after her, but Tara paid no heed. With a determined whisper of "I will go," she quickened her pace, her mind set on reaching her mother's side. Nothing and no one could stand in her way now.

With a steely resolve, Padma watched as Tara defiantly made her way towards the grand doors. As Tara approached, Padma's eyes narrowed with determination.

With a simple, piercing gaze, she silently commanded the keepers to close the doors, effectively barring Tara's path.

Tara reached out towards the doors, her heart sinking as she realized they were closing before her. With a surge of panic, she quickened her pace, but it was too late.

The doors shut firmly, blocking her path and sealing her fate within the confines of the haveli.

Tara limped faster, her heart pounding with desperation, as she reached the imposing doors of the haveli. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she banged on the doors, pleading for them to open.

"Bhaiya darwaza kholiye, mujhe apne maa ke paas jana hai!" she cried out, her voice trembling with anguish.

(Please, Open the door, I need to go to my mother)

But the doors remained closed, unmoved by her desperate pleas. Tara pounded on them with all her strength, her hands bruising against the cold, unyielding wood.

Inside the mansion, Padma watched with steely determination, her resolve unshaken despite Tara's cries. She knew what needed to be done to keep Tara from leaving, to ensure that she faced the consequences of her actions.

Meanwhile, Kusum stood by Tara's side, her heart breaking at the sight of Tara's anguish. She wanted nothing more than to open the doors and let Tara go to her mother, but she knew that going against Padma's wishes would only lead to more conflict.

As Tara continued to plead and bang on the doors, her desperation growing with each passing moment, she felt a sense of hopelessness wash over her. It seemed as though the doors would never open, as though she would never be able to say goodbye to her mother.

But deep down, a spark of defiance ignited within her. She refused to give up, refused to let Padma dictate her every move.







In the room, Tara sobbed uncontrollably, her tears flowing freely as she struggled to come to terms with the news of her mother's passing.

Kusum, her eyes filled with concern, gently tended to Tara's bleeding hands, the result of her desperate attempts to open the iron door that separated her from her mother's funeral.

Even the gate keepers seemed to sympathize with Tara's plight, silently bearing witness to her pain and suffering, yet unable to defy Padma's orders.

Tara was completely shattered, her spirit crushed by the weight of her grief and the callousness of Padma's actions.

"Tara beta, have some food, please," Kusum pleaded, her voice filled with compassion and concern for Tara's well-being.

Tara remained silent, her gaze fixed on the floor as tears continued to stream down her cheeks. She felt drained, both physically and emotionally, unable to muster the strength to respond to Kusum's plea.

Seeing Tara's distress, Kusum gently placed a plate of food beside her and sat down beside her, offering silent support and comfort in her time of need.

As Tara sat in silence, her mind overwhelmed with grief and despair, Kusum gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders, offering solace in the midst of their shared sorrow. The room was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the occasional sniffle from Tara as she struggled to contain her emotions.

After a moment, Kusum spoke softly, her voice tinged with sympathy. "Beta, I know this is incredibly difficult for you. Losing your mother is a pain that no words can ease. But please, try to eat something. You need to keep up your strength."

Tara nodded faintly, her appetite diminished by the weight of her sorrow. Nevertheless, she forced herself to take a few bites, each morsel a bitter reminder of the emptiness that now consumed her.

As they sat together in the quiet room, Kusum remained by Tara's side, offering silent support and understanding as they navigated the pain of their loss together.

As Tara struggled to eat, her mind was consumed by memories of her mother, each bite a bitter reminder of the void left by her absence. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as she stared down at the food before her.

Kusum watched Tara with a heavy heart, her own grief mingling with the pain she felt for her daughter-in-law. She wished there was more she could do to ease Tara's suffering, but in that moment, all she could offer was her presence and a shoulder to lean on.

"Tara beta, I know it's hard," Kusum said softly, reaching out to gently touch Tara's hand. "But you're not alone. " I am here for you, every step of the way."

Tara looked up at Kusum, her eyes filled with gratitude for the older woman's kindness and support. In that moment, she found a flicker of strength amidst the darkness, knowing that she was not facing her pain alone.

With Kusum's encouragement, Tara forced herself to eat a little more, each bite a small victory in the midst of her grief. And as she sat with Kusum by her side, she felt a glimmer of hope that, in time, the pain would lessen, and she would find a way to carry on.






As the new day dawned, Tara found herself immersed in her usual morning routine of preparing the morning meal.

However, today was different. Padma had assigned Kusum and the other servants to various tasks, leaving Tara to manage everything alone.

Despite her outward facade of composure, Tara's inner world was a tumultuous sea of emotions and thoughts.

While her hands moved deftly, stirring the simmering curry and chopping vegetables with practiced precision, her mind was elsewhere. Each action performed mechanically belied the storm raging within her, the weight of her responsibilities compounded by the weight of her troubles.

The clatter of utensils and the sizzle of cooking filled the air, but within Tara's silent realm, there was only the echoing cacophony of her own thoughts, a relentless symphony of past regrets and present anxieties.






As everyone gathered to partake in the meal, the customary expression of gratitude to Maa Annapurna filled the room. Padma, as was her custom, took the first bite, while Tara remained lost in her own world.

Oblivious to the ritual unfolding around her, she mechanically prepared a morsel for Manik, her mind still consumed by the weight of her thoughts.

Suddenly, Tara felt a firm grip on her hand, pulling her attention away from her reverie. Startled, she looked up to see Padma's stern gaze fixed upon her. Without a word, Padma instructed Manvi to take Manik away, leaving Tara alone with her.

With a forceful shake of Tara's hand, the morsel slipped from her grasp back onto the plate.

"Aaj tune jo khaana banaya hai, soch rahi hu tere es haat ko enam du," Padma remarked, her eyes scrutinizing Tara's hand intently.

(Today the food you made, I am thinking to reward your this hand.)

Confused and overwhelmed, Tara was unable to respond as Padma dragged her back into the kitchen, leaving her thoughts swirling in turmoil.

The great mud stove, its flames flickering with an intense heat, still bore the remnants of its early morning task of boiling milk.

As Padma strode into the kitchen with Tara in tow, the atmosphere seemed to crackle with tension.

𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙖 𝙢𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩'𝙨 𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, 𝙋𝙖𝙙𝙢𝙖 𝙨𝙚𝙞𝙯𝙚𝙙 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙖'𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙞𝙩 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙫𝙚 , 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙨,𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙖 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙞𝙡 𝙞𝙣 𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣𝙮 𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙠𝙞𝙣.

Tara's agonized screams echoed through the house, piercing the silence with their intensity. Despite her desperate struggles, the inhumane old lady continued to grip Tara's hand, forcing it into the searing flames of the stove.

As Tara writhed in agony, her skin blistering from the scorching heat, she managed to wrench her hand free, collapsing onto the floor in a heap of pain and despair.

With trembling limbs, Tara crawled towards a jug of water, her only hope for relief. But before she could reach it, Padma callously knocked the jug aside, extinguishing any chance of respite.

Left with no recourse, Tara could do nothing but curl into a ball, tears streaming down her face as she sobbed in anguish, her burnt hand throbbing with every heartbeat.

Padma's eyes narrowed as she glared at Prithvi, who sat in a trance-like state, seemingly detached from the chaos unfolding around him.

"You've married this... this useless excuse for a man," Padma's voice echoed with disdain as she directed her anger towards her grandson.

"Actually, not married but BOUGHT such a useless piece of trash," said Padma, her words dripping with contempt.

Then, turning her attention to the sobbing Tara, she grasped her forcefully, causing Tara to feel as though her hair might be ripped from her scalp.

"Kyu ree, tere maari hua Maa ne khanna pakana nahi sikha hai kya, aaj ke khaane mein kisi mein namak zayda toh kisi mein haldi zayda KYU!!"

Padma's voice was harsh as she shook Tara's suffering head.

(Why, huh? Hasn't your dead mother taught you how to cook? Why is there too much salt in today's food, and too much turmeric in another?)

"Yeh, yeh laya hai tu ₹1000 rupee deke?" said Padma to Prithvi, who remained silent.

(This you brought by paying ₹1000?)

Despite her pain, Tara felt a shock coursing through her. Through gritted teeth, she whispered, "No... You're lying... My uncle... This can't be..."

Padma heard her whispers and turned towards the collapsed Tara.

"Kyu, tere ghar walo ne tujhe bataya nahi, ke tere Mama Mami yeha aake Tuje bechkar gaye the, Kakajs hai dekhau".

(Why, didn't your family tell you that your uncle and aunt came here and sold you? You have the documents)

"Maaji, please stop this. She's in pain," Kusum implored, moving towards Tara. However, Padma halted her, gripping her hand tightly, preventing Kusum from getting any closer to Tara.

"Consider it carefully, Kusum. Any attempt to aid her, and I'll ensure her suffering intensifies," Padma's voice was sharp, cutting through the air.

" She will remain here in this state, isolated. Not a soul will dare intervene," she declared, shoving Kusum away and beginning to seal the kitchen door shut with a formidable lock.

"Maaji, please don't do this to her. I beg you," Kusum fall over Padma's feet begging her for Tara, her voice trembling with desperation.

Despite her fervent pleas, Padma's resolve remained unyielding as she continued securing the door.

Kusum turned towards Prithvi, her voice laced with desperation. "Prithvi, please, she's your wife. Have some mercy."

Prithvi remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor as if lost in his own world. Kusum's plea seemed to fall on deaf ears, leaving her feeling helpless and defeated.







Prithvi sat in his room, surrounded by scattered papers strewn across his desk. His hand rested on the pen and ink bottle nearby, but his mind seemed distant, lost in a realm of its own.

He remained silent, lost in his thoughts, as if grappling with some unseen turmoil.

As noon approached, Tara remained confined within the kitchen's walls. Prithvi's contemplations were interrupted by the entrance of Manik.

"Baba," Manik called out.

Prithvi tenderly lifted Manik into his arms, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead before responding, "What's the matter, my little Manik?"

"Baba, I haven't seen Maa since this morning. Where is she?"

Prithvi's heart sank at Manik's innocent question, realizing that Tara's absence hadn't gone unnoticed. He struggled to find the right words to explain the situation to his son.

"Manik, Maa is... Maa is busy right now. She's taking care of something important," Prithvi replied, trying to mask the truth from his young son.

"But I want to see Maa. I miss her," Manik insisted, his eyes filled with concern.

Prithvi hugged Manik tightly, unsure of how to comfort him in the absence of Tara.

Within this, a maid stood at the door and said, "Bhaiya ji, someone has come to meet you."

"Okay, take Manik and Mannu to their playroom and stay with them," Prithvi instructed the maid, his tone authoritative.

Upon entering the room and catching sight of the visitor, Prithvi's demeanor shifted, his expression hardening with anger. He approached the visitor with a silent intensity, taking a seat with a commanding presence, his eyes locked onto the man before him.

"Namaste Thakur Sahab," greeted the visitor.

Prithvi's response was silence, his gaze piercing as he focused on the newcomer.

"Mera naam Manish hai " the visitor introduced himself, breaking the tension with his words.

( My name is Manish).







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