In the aftermath of Prithvi's sudden and violent outburst, Tara's body recoiled from the force of the slap, her mind spinning with disbelief and pain.

The once jovial atmosphere in the dining hall was replaced by an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of Tara's labored breathing.

As Prithvi stormed out of the room, dragging Tara along with him.

The sound of wooden chairs scraping against the floor echoed in the tense silence of the dining hall as Tara's feet stumbled and faltered under Prithvi's relentless grip, Kusum and Meera exchanged worried glances, their expressions mirroring the tension that hung heavy in the air.

With a shared sense of apprehension, they followed in Prithvi's wake, their footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway.

Meanwhile, Manik, oblivious to the turmoil unfolding around him, played happily with Mannu, the little puppy providing a brief respite from the chaos.

But as he caught sight of his parents' retreating figures, confusion clouded his innocent features, his laughter fading into uncertainty.

Sensing the need to shield Manik from the unsettling scene, Meera gently guided him away, coaxing him to eat his meal while Kusum remained behind, her heart heavy with concern for Tara and the unraveling situation.

As they disappeared from view, the dining hall onces in a comfortable silence was left eerily empty, the tension and uncertainty lingering in the air like a palpable presence, foreshadowing the turbulent events yet to come.

As Prithvi forcefully dragged Tara into their room, he threw her onto the floor with a roughness that left her stunned. Slamming the wooden door shut behind him, he turned to face Tara, his expression twisted with rage and frustration.

Tara, her mind reeling from the sudden turn of events, struggled to make sense of Prithvi's violent behavior. Tears blurred her vision as she slowly rose to her feet, only to be pinned against the wall by Prithvi's imposing presence.

His hands tightened around her throat, cutting off her breath as he loomed over her, his eyes burning with an intensity that sent a chill down Tara's spine. In that moment, she felt a sense of helplessness wash over her, trapped in a nightmare from which she couldn't escape.

"Why, why did you do this?" Prithvi's voice was laced with anger, his teeth gritted in frustration as he confronted Tara.

Tara, still reeling from the shock of his sudden aggression, struggled to comprehend his words. Her mind raced with questions, but she found herself unable to form a coherent response in the face of Prithvi's fury.

"I know maybe I was not good with you at first emotionally, but that doesn't mean that I am not trying," he muttered through gritted teeth, his voice low and menacing.

"But what you did... don't think that I will spare you. You are yet to see my bad side," he warned, his tone dripping with fury and resentment. In that moment, Tara realized that she was facing a side of Prithvi she had never seen before-a side filled with darkness and anger, one that she had unwittingly unleashed.

"I am sorry if I hurt you unknowingly, but I never betrayed you. Please don't do this," Tara pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Just tell me what was my mistake. I will correct my mistakes, but don't say I betrayed you. I never did that....I never even thought about that....."

Her words hung heavy in the air, a desperate plea for understanding and forgiveness. Prithvi's grip on her throat loosened slightly, his eyes betraying a mixture of rage and vulnerability.

As Tara looked into Prithvi's eyes, she saw a tumultuous storm of emotions raging within him. Despite the anger and hostility in his gaze, there was also a glimmer of vulnerability, a rawness that spoke of unspoken pain. And then, she noticed it-the telltale glint of tears shimmering in the corners of 𝙝𝙞𝙨 eyes, a silent testament to the depth of his turmoil.

In that moment, amidst the chaos and confusion, Tara found herself torn between her own hurt and a profound sense of empathy for the man standing before her.

For a moment, they stood locked in a silent battle of emotions, each grappling with their own inner turmoil.

As the tension between them reached its peak, a heavy silence descended upon the room, engulfing them in a suffocating stillness. In that agonizing moment of uncertainty, neither Tara nor Prithvi knew what to do or say next. The air crackled with unresolved emotions, their hearts weighed down by the weight of unspoken words.

Then, in a sudden and unexpected turn of events, Prithvi's demeanor shifted. His steely resolve wavered, and for the briefest of moments, he allowed himself to show his vulnerable side. With a heavy sigh, he released his grip on Tara's throat and turned away, his shoulders slumped with the weight of his burdens.

In that fleeting moment of vulnerability, Prithvi revealed the pain that he had been silently 𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨.

It was a rare glimpse into the depths of his inner turmoil, a raw and unfiltered expression of the wounds that had long been festering beneath the surface.

And then, without another word, Prithvi left the room, his strides quick and purposeful, leaving Tara standing alone in the wake of his departure.

In that moment, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the man she had once loved, a sense of compassion for the pain he had been carrying for so long.

As Prithvi left the room without even sparing a glance at his mother, he passed her by, leaving Kusum to enter the room alone. Inside, she found Tara leaning against the wall, visibly shaken by the recent events.

"Tara, what happened between both of you suddenly?" Kusum inquired gently, her voice filled with concern.

"I don't know... I really don't know..." Tara replied in a subdued tone, her voice trembling with emotion.

The mark of Prithvi's slap was evident on her cheek, and Kusum hurriedly fetched a bowl of cool water, soaking a corner of her own saree and dabbed her swollen cheek to ease the pain and soothe her troubled spirit.

Prithvi stormed out of the haveli, his footsteps echoing in the courtyard as he made his way towards his jeep. Padma, calling out to him desperately, pleaded for him to stop, but he ignored her cries, his mind consumed by turmoil.

Without a backward glance, he climbed into his jeep and drove away from the haveli, leaving behind a cloud of dust and a trail of unanswered questions.






As the evening settled in, there was still no sign of Prithvi since morning. Padma, growing increasingly worried, instructed Prithvi's father, Deepak, to send some men to search for him, but there was no news of his whereabouts. Tension hung heavy in the air, enveloping the entire household in an uneasy silence.

With anger burning in her eyes, Padma cast a wary glance at Tara, who stood quietly in a corner of the room. Since the morning incident, a sense of foreboding had settled over Tara, her subconscious warning her of impending trouble.

Just then, another man arrived with the news that they had once again failed to trace Prithvi's whereabouts. Kusum approached Padma with a plate of food, urging her to eat as she hadn't consumed anything since morning.

"Maaji, please have your meal. You haven't eaten anything since morning. Please have the food; otherwise, your health will deteriorate," pleaded Kusum.

In a fit of anger, Padma flung the plate, causing the food to splash onto the floor.

"Iski bajah se, es ladki ki bajah se mera pota bhuka payasa bhar bhatak raha hai, Mere Prithvi ne toh Subha ka Khana bhi nahi khaya" shouted Padma, pointing accusingly at Tara.

(Because of her, because of this girl, my grandson is wandering hungry and thirsty. My Prithvi hasn't even eaten since morning)

"I will kill her today," Padma declared, lunging towards Tara, but she was restrained by Kusum, Meera, and Manvi.

Terrified, Tara shrunk further into the corner, the chaotic atmosphere pressing down on her.

"Tara, go from here!" Kusum urged, trying to calm down the frenzied Padma.

Tara fled from the chaotic scene and retreated into her room. With trembling hands, she locked the door behind her, seeking refuge from the turmoil outside. Leaning against the door, she collapsed to the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees.

Her body trembled with the weight of the chaos, her mind echoing with Prithvi's haunting words. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with the overwhelming emotions swirling within her.






" Maa, maaaa " Manik's voice broke through Tara's trance-like state, pulling her back to the present moment.

Sitting on the corridor stairs, Tara cradled Manik in her lap, the moonlight casting a soft glow around them.

With tender care, she fed him his dinner, their bond a solace amidst the turmoil that engulfed their lives.

Padma's health had deteriorated, leaving her resting inside her room as Deepak, Prithvi's father, attended to her.

Despite the chaos, Deepak insisted that everyone have their dinner, but Tara and Kusum remained the only ones who hadn't eaten since morning.

How could they indulge in food when their hearts ached for a son and a husband who hadn't taken a morsel since morning?

" Maa, where is Baba? " asked the little Manik.

Tara's heart clenched at Manik's innocent question, his words a painful reminder of the absence that loomed over their home.

"Baba had some urgent work, beta," Tara replied softly, brushing a gentle hand through Manik's hair. "He'll be back soon."

But even as she spoke the words, uncertainty gnawed at Tara's heart, a silent prayer echoing in her mind for Prithvi's safe return.






As the large clock chimed, marking the hour at 10:00 p.m., Tara's heart sank deeper into the abyss of worry. Prithvi's absence weighed heavily on her mind, casting a shadow over the haveli.

With Manik nestled in her embrace, his innocent slumber a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within Tara's heart, she couldn't shake the sense of unease that gripped her.

Beside her, Mannu lay peacefully, his presence offering a small measure of comfort amidst the uncertainty that enveloped them.

Despite her exhaustion and the gnawing hunger that gnawed at her stomach, Tara remained vigilant, her eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of Prithvi's return.

The minutes stretched into hours, each passing moment amplifying her anxiety and despair.

The weariness weighed heavily on Tara as she stood in the dimly lit corridor, Kusum's gentle voice offering a faint glimmer of solace amidst the darkness.

"Tara, have this milk," Kusum urged, extending a glass towards her. "You're already feeling dizzy."

"No, Maaji, I'm not hungry," Tara replied softly, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

"I know very well that you're not hungry. At least drink this for Manik's sake. Please, beta," Kusum insisted, her tone pleading.

Reluctantly, Tara accepted the glass, her appetite dulled by the day's turmoil. With trembling hands, she took a sip, the warm liquid providing some comfort to her parched throat and empty stomach.

After finishing the milk, Tara rose from her seat, still cradling the sleeping Manik in her arms. But Kusum intervened, gently suggesting, "Let Manik sleep in my room tonight. You go and have some rest."

"But what if Manik disturb you at night? He can't sleep without me," said Tara, concern etched on her face.

"I'll manage," Kusum reassured her, taking Manik into her own arms.

Tara made her way back to her room, extinguishing the Mashals along the corridor as she went, leaving only a few flickering flames in their wake. With each Mashals she put out, she felt as though she were spreading darkness in her own life, the weight of her actions pressing down on her with each step.

As she walked, her heart sank with fear, a sense of foreboding settling over her like a heavy shroud. Every shadow seemed to whisper of impending doom, and each creak of the floorboards echoed with the weight of her anxiety. Tara couldn't shake the feeling that something dreadful was about to happen, casting a pall over her already troubled mind.






A loud thud jolted Tara awake, her body stiff from sleeping in a seated position. Another forceful knock, as if someone were attempting to break the door, made her heart race. Tensing as the familiar voice called out her name, demanding entry, Tara approached the door with trembling hands. Her mind flooded with apprehension about what awaited her on the other side.







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