As the 8th auspicious day of Navratri continued to unfold, the haveli bustled with activity in preparation for the Kanya Bhoj. Tara, adorned in a red saree, moved gracefully through the kitchen, alongside Kusum, Meera, and Manvi, preparing the bhog for Navaratri.

Outside, the courtyard was transformed into a vibrant celebration space, adorned with colorful decorations and fragrant flowers. Tables were set with an array of delectable dishes, ready to be served to the young girls who would soon arrive.

As the first rays of sunlight illuminated the courtyard, groups of giggling girls began to arrive, their eyes sparkling with excitement. Prithvi, dressed in his finest attire, joined Tara in welcoming each one with warmth and affection, guiding them to their seats and ensuring they felt at home in the grand surroundings of the haveli.

Today, every detail of the event was meticulously attended to by Prithvi, ensuring that the Kanya Bhoj would be a memorable and joyous occasion for all the little girls.

As the festivities commenced, the air was filled with laughter and music, the sound of bells mingling with the cheerful chatter of the young girls. But amidst the joyous atmosphere, Manik insisted on being treated just like the girls.

Tara lovingly indulged his request, making sure he received the same prasad and gifts as the other children, ensuring he felt included and cherished in the celebration.





As the sun started to descend on the eighth day of Navratri, Tara, Prithvi, and Manik made their way to the temple. The evening air was cool, and the sky turned into shades of orange and pink, creating a serene ambiance.

Manik, cuddled in Prithvi's arms, looked around with wide-eyed wonder, his face brightened by the fading sunlight. With each step, they moved closer to the temple, guided by Prithvi's confident strides.

Upon reaching the temple, the evening prayers began. Tara and Prithvi sat together, while Manik rested comfortably as his head rested against his Baba's chest.

In the temple courtyard, the air was filled with the sounds of bells chiming and priests chanting, enveloping them in an atmosphere of tranquility and devotion. Tara closed her eyes, joining her prayers with those around her, feeling grateful for the blessings of Navratri.

After the prayers concluded, they walked to the nearby riverbank, where devotees performed the ritual of taking a dip in the holy waters.

Prithvi held Manik close, ensuring his safety as they stood by the river, feeling the cool breeze and the gentle ripples of the water against their feet.

As they journeyed back home, Tara felt a profound sense of peace and contentment.






The 9th day passed in a blur, and now, on the 10th and final day of Navratri, Vijayadashami, Tara found herself in the midst of the puja hall. Women adorned in vibrant sarees applied vermilion to each other, their voices merging in the sacred chants.

Standing in the corner, Tara went unnoticed, her face veiled from the world. Suddenly, a hand gripped her, pulling her into the shadows. Startled, Tara's heart raced as she struggled against the unseen force.

Her mouth was covered, silencing her protests, but then she heard his husky voice. As the veil was lifted, Tara met Prithvi's intense gaze, his cheeks adorned with vermilion.

With each step closer, Prithvi closed the distance, pressing against her, their breaths mingling in the dim light. Tara closed her eyes as Prithvi's soft clean shaven cheek brushed against hers, leaving behind a trail of vermilion. His touch ignited a fierce longing within her.

His nose tip brushed against her lips region, a subtle caress that sent shivers down Tara's spine. As his lips slightly crease hers, a surge of desperation engulfed her, the intensity of their fleeting connection igniting a fire within her soul.

Minutes passed like seconds in the stillness of the moment, but there was no further movement from Prithvi. When Tara finally opened her eyes, she found herself alone, leaving her with the lingering warmth of his touch.






The evening was settling, the remnants of celebration still lingering in the air. Tara stepped into her room, intending to change out of her vermilion-stained saree. But before she could take another step, strong arms enveloped her, pressing her against the wall beside the door.

She didn't need to see his face to know it was him; she recognized the scent of his cologne, the warmth of his touch. His lips found the curve of her neck, sending shivers down her spine as she melted into his embrace.

Throughout the 9 days of Navratri, their interactions had been marked by restraint and respect, their connection tempered by tradition and duty. But tonight, as the festival drew to a close, Prithvi found himself unable to suppress the primal urges that had simmered beneath the surface.

As Tara's body pressed against his, her warmth seeping into his skin, he felt a surge of desire that he could no longer deny. Tonight, he would allow himself to be consumed by the list

He removed the drape from her chest, letting it cascade down her body, as his lips fervently trailed across her skin. His grip on her waist tightened, pulling her closer against him, as if he couldn't bear to have even an inch of distance between them.

"Aaha" a moan escaping her lips at his touch, as his teeth grazed her skin. His lips seized hers, sucking and nipping at them, leaving behind a mark in the form of a hickey.

As his lips trailed towards her cleavage, undoing the hooks of her blouse, their intimate moment was interrupted by the sound of Manik's voice, just as he was about to enter the room.

Before Manik could take another step inside the room, he felt himself lifted into the air. Prithvi swiftly scooped him up in his arms and carried him outside, away from the intimate scene. Tara breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that her son had been spared from witnessing his parents in such a compromising position.

Prithvi, carrying Manik outside, began tickling him, eliciting hearty laughter from the young boy.

"Baba... Sto... Stop," Manik squealed between laughs, squirming in his father's arms.

After a few minutes of playful tickling, Prithvi stopped, and Manik, exhausted from laughing, took a moment to catch his breath.

"Okay, did you notice something?" Prithvi asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Manik looked up at his Baba's face, and then it dawned on him. He noticed that his Baba's face was clean-shaven.

The little boy's eyes twinkled with joy. Without wasting a minute , he pressed his cheeks against his Baba's smooth face and planted numerous kisses on his cheeks.






In a dimly lit room, two bodies were intertwined, lost in the throes of passion.

"Please, stop. Manik will wake up," Tara whispered in a hushed tone, her efforts to suppress her moans evident.

In the dimly lit room, he let his desires take over completely. His marks adorned her neck and torso, showcasing his unrestrained desire.

As his length filled her core, his pace intensified, causing her entire body to rock beneath him.

She clutched his shoulder tightly, closing her eyes as the pressure built within her.

In mere moments, they both reached their climax, but Tara refrained from shouting, instead biting down on her inner cheek to suppress the urge.

As he released his cum, he collapsed over her, a thin layer of sweat mixing between them as they panted heavily.

Before they could even recover from their exhausted state, Manik began crying on bed, whereas his parents were lying on floor by placing a small matress over there.

Tara pushed Prithvi slightly, attempting to rise, but a wave of pain in her abdomen and core forced her back onto the bed. Sensing her discomfort, Prithvi swiftly covered his lower body with a cloth and went to Manik's side.

"What happened, my boy? It's alright, I'm here," Prithvi whispered soothingly, cradling Manik in his arms and gently rocking him back and forth.

"Maaa... Maa," Manik's cries for his mother echoed in the room, his little arms reaching out for Tara.

Despite the pain coursing through her body, Tara summoned all her strength and determination, pushing herself up from the floor.

Ignoring her discomfort, she reached for Prithvi's kurta and wore it before returning to Manik, comforting him in her arms.

"No, don't cry, Maa is here," Tara reassured Manik, holding him close as he sobbed in her embrace.





In the dimly lit room, Tara sat on the edge of the bed, her arms wrapped protectively around Manik as he nestled against her chest, his tears dampening her kurta.

Prithvi knelt beside them, his face etched with concern as he gently stroked Manik's hair, trying to soothe his cries.

Despite her own pain and exhaustion, Tara's maternal instincts kicked in, and she whispered comforting words to Manik, reassuring him that she was right there beside him.

With each gentle caress and tender embrace, she hoped to ease his fears and lull him into a peaceful slumber.

As Manik's sobs gradually subsided, Tara felt a sense of relief wash over her. She glanced up at Prithvi, gratitude shining in her eyes for his unwavering support during this challenging time.






A new day dawned, bringing with it the familiar rhythm of daily life in the haveli. While the rest of the household bustled about their morning routines, Tara found herself lost in thought as she prepared to clean the puja hall.

As the family gathered in the dining hall for breakfast, Tara's anticipation grew, hoping that today would mark a new beginning in her relationship with Prithvi. Despite his absence after the morning prayers, she held onto the hope that his newfound attention and affection towards her would continue.

As the meal commenced, Tara lovingly prepared a morsel of dal and rice for Manik, intending to feed him herself. However, her intentions were interrupted by a servant who approached to take Manik away.

"Bhabhi Ji, Thakur Sahab has asked to take away Chote Thakur from here ," the servant explained gently.

"But he hasn't finished his breakfast yet," Tara protested, her concern evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Bhabhi Ji, but Thakur Sahab's orders must be followed," the servant replied respectfully, before gently guiding Manik away from the table.

A tense silence enveloped the dining hall as everyone felt the weight of Prithvi's sudden order, his absence adding to the unease in the room. Minutes passed, each one stretching into an eternity, until the atmosphere was shattered by Prithvi's abrupt entrance.

He stormed into the room like a whirlwind, his eyes ablaze with rage as he took in the scene before him. Without a word, he crossed the room in quick strides.

And then, in a shocking display of fury, 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙫𝙞'𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙪𝙩, 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙥 𝙖𝙘𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙨 𝙏𝙖𝙧𝙖'𝙨 𝙛𝙖𝙘𝙚

The sound echoed through the room, reverberating off the walls as everyone watched in stunned silence, their eyes wide with disbelief at the sudden turn of event.







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