Tara's day began with the usual chores she was tasked with, despite her weakened state. The morning enveloped the P her way to the bathing area, knowing she couldn't afford to make any more mistakes after what she had endured in the past few days.

The hall was quiet as Tara entered, her steps slow and cautious as she leaned against the wall for support. She could feel the weight of exhaustion in her limbs, but she pushed through, determined to fulfill her responsibilities.

Entering the puja hall, Tara greeted Padma with a quiet

"Namaste, Dadiji."

Padma, engrossed in making the garlands, responded with a stern warning,

"Hmm, aage se dhyan rakhna ki jo galti Tu ne ki wo dubara na ho, nahi toh aanzam es baar se bhi bura hoga"

Her voice carried a chilling tone, sending a shiver down Tara's spine.

(Hmm, be careful not to repeat the mistakes you made last time, or else the consequences will be even worse this time.)

"Ji, Dadiji," Tara replied quietly, then made her way to the kitchen to begin preparing the prasad.





Today, Meera and her family were preparing to return home, so Tara was burdened with the task of cooking extra meals to pack for their journey. Despite the workload, Kusum, Tara's mother-in-law Kusum, stepped in to help. However, a heavy silence hung between them as Kusum couldn't bring herself to speak with Tara, still feeling the weight of shame from recent events.

Despite Tara's face being concealed behind her veil, Kusum could sense the weariness emanating from her. Tara's actions spoke volumes about her weakened state, even without her having to say a word.

Kusum halted Tara's work by standing in front of her with a plate of food.

"Tara, I will take care of all this. Go and have your meal first," she insisted.

"No, Maaji, I can manage. I'll do everything," Tara protested.

"Tara, I'm not asking, I'm ordering you to go and eat your meal. I'll handle everything here. Go," Kusum commanded firmly, ensuring that Tara understood the seriousness of her request and have her meal.

Tara quietly took the plate and retreated to the small room in the kitchen where they usually ate their meals.

She was so hungry that she ate quickly, almost as if she hadn't eaten in months.

As she ate, tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting on how her life had changed so suddenly.

In moments of unbearable pain in the past, she could seek solace in her mother's embrace, but now, there was no one to whom she could turn to pour out her pain.

Yet, despite the solitude, Prithvi's actions from the previous night had given her a glimmer of hope that her husband might offer her support.






"Navrati ke samay Meera aur bacho ko zarur bejh dijeyega Damadji" said Kusum.

(During Navratri, make sure to send Meera and the kids, son-in-law)

The entire family stood by the large iron gates, where luggage was being loaded into a car, and Meera, her husband, and their children bid farewell to everyone before departing.

Meera's children chatted with their uncles, and Kusum hugged her daughter tightly. Cupping her daughter's face, she said, " Aapna khayal rakhna ".

(Take care of yourself.)

Lastly, standing in front of Tara, Meera said, "We'll come back soon bhabi. Take care of yourself and my brother, as well as Manik."

"You too," Tara replied.

Finally, the family settled into the car, bidding goodbye to everyone. Now, all the men went inside to get ready to leave for work, but Kusum remained standing, watching the car until it was out of sight. Tara, standing beside her, noticed Kusum's tears.

"Maaji," said Tara.

"What should I do, Tara? Whenever Meera visits, I feel so happy, but seeing her leave just breaks my heart," Kusum confided.

As Kusum walked away, Tara couldn't help but dwell on her words. It had been days since she had any news about her mother, and the longing to see her was becoming increasingly unbearable.

Tara found herself yearning for just a glimpse of her mother, her desperation growing with each passing day. Each moment without news felt like an eternity, and the ache in her heart only intensified.






As the evening descended, Tara stepped into the garden with Manik cradled in her arms after serving evening tea and snacks to everyone.

The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of newly blossomed flowers, and the soft light of the setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink. With each step, Tara pointed out the vibrant blooms to Manik, who gazed at them with wide-eyed wonder.

"Look, Manik," Tara whispered, "see these lovely roses? They bloomed just today."

Manik's eyes sparkled with excitement as he reached out his small hand, trying to touch the delicate petals. Tara chuckled softly, gently guiding his little immature hand to feel the velvety texture.

"Isn't it beautiful, my dear?" Tara murmured, pressing a kiss to Manik's forehead.

Together, they wandered through the garden, exploring each flower and marveling at nature's splendor. In that serene moment, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the garden, Tara cherished the simple joy of sharing this experience with her son.

As they moved closer to a marigold plant, Manik's eyes gleamed with excitement at the sight of the bright orange flowers. With a gentle smile, Tara plucked a small marigold bloom and carefully tucked it behind Manik's ear.

"There, now you look like a little prince," Tara said affectionately, admiring her son's adorable appearance.

Manik giggled happily, reaching up to touch the flower adorning his ear. His laughter echoed in the tranquil garden, filling Tara's heart with warmth and joy.

Together, they continued their leisurely stroll through the garden, savoring the precious moments of togetherness under the evening sky.

As the evening descended, Tara and Manik strolled back towards their home, the fading light casting long shadows across the gravel path. Tara's steps faltered slightly as she noticed Prithvi standing by the gate, his expression stern and distant.

Manik's eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of his father, and he squirmed in Tara's arms, eager to reach out. Tara smiled at Manik's enthusiasm and gently lowered him to the ground, allowing him to toddle towards Prithvi.

"Look, Baba!" Manik exclaimed, pointing to the marigold tucked behind his ear, a proud grin on his face.Prithvi smiled at Manik and took him in his strong arms

Meanwhile, Tara hurried inside to fetch a glass of water for Prithvi, her mind preoccupied with the upcoming interaction.

As she returned with the water, she observed Prithvi's stoic expression as he accepted the glass from her. Tara couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the lack of warmth in his demeanor, but she pushed aside her emotions, focusing instead on the simple act of providing for her family's needs.






After the sandhya aarti, the house was enveloped in a tranquil ambiance, the flickering flames of the diyas casting a warm glow throughout the room. Tara took a moment to bask in the serenity, her mind momentarily free from the burdens of the day.

After the evening prayers, Tara found solace in the tranquil atmosphere of their home. She busied herself in the kitchen, preparing dinner as the day wound down. Manik, exhausted from the day's activities, sat nearby, his eyelids drooping with sleepiness.

The aroma of cooking filled the kitchen, bringing a sense of warmth and comfort to Tara.

As night fell and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Tara knew it was time to call everyone for dinner. Stepping outside into the cool night air, she told Manvi to called them out.

After dinner, everyone retired to their respective rooms, leaving Tara with the chores of washing dishes, cleaning, and mopping the kitchen.

With a sigh, Tara began the task of washing dishes, the warm water comforting her hands as she worked diligently to cleanse each utensil. The rhythmic clatter of plates and cutlery filled the air, accompanied by the occasional splash of water.

After washing the dishes, Tara moved on to cleaning the kitchen, wiping down countertops and scrubbing away any traces of food. Finally, she fetched a mop and bucket, ready to tackle the floor with determined efficiency.

With the weight of her responsibilities bearing down on her, Tara felt the strain in her back as she toiled away in the kitchen. The ache seemed to intensify with each movement, but she gritted her teeth and persevered, knowing that she couldn't afford to show any sign of weakness.

Despite the discomfort, Tara kept her pain to herself, unwilling to burden anyone else with her struggles. She moved with a quiet determination, pushing through the fatigue as she scrubbed and cleaned, her mind focused solely on completing her tasks.

As she worked, Tara couldn't help but wonder how long she could continue like this, bearing the physical toll of her endless chores in silence. But for now, she pushed aside her discomfort.

Tara's heart felt heavy as she finished her chores, the weight of her burdens lingering even after the kitchen was spotless. She longed for a moment of respite, a chance to escape the relentless cycle of duties that bound her.

In the stillness of the night, she found herself grappling with a sense of isolation, the echoes of Padma's harsh words lingering in her mind. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped, of shouldering the weight of the world alone.

As Tara finally retired to her room, exhaustion weighing heavily upon her.

After Tara came inside, Manik was already asleep. She gently kissed his forehead and then went to get her fresh clothes for a bath.

Prithvi emerged from the bathroom, his lower body wrapped in a white cloth, and water droplets from his wet hair trickled down his muscular back.

Tara didn't look at him because she was disappointed by his behavior earlier in the evening.

Without sparing a glance at him, she went inside the bathroom. She was incredibly tired, and her entire body was aching. Carelessly hanging her clothes on the hangers, she started to take a bath.

The warm water provided some relief to her muscles, making her feel better and fresher. As she finished her bath and was about to put on her clothes, she realized they were all lying on the wet bathroom floor.

During her bath, she hadn't noticed when her fresh clothes fell onto the damp floor. With no other option, she hurriedly wrapped herself in a gamcha and left the clothes to wash the next day.

Coming out, she went behind the beautifully carved wooden panel and reluctantly called out to Prithvi, "Suniye, mujhe wo mere kapde nikal ke denge."

( Can you give me those clothes)

After this, Tara waited for him to hand her the clothes, but something else was waiting for her.

As Prithvi entered with the clothes, he paused, taking in his wife wrapped only in a piece of cloth. Despite Tara's exhaustion and discomfort, Prithvi's desire overpowered any concern for her well-being, a desire he had suppressed during her monthly cycles but now sought to fulfill.

He advanced towards her, and she found herself trapped between him and the wall. Trying to push him away gently, she pleaded, "Please, not today. I'm tired. Please."

But her pleas fell on deaf ears, directed at someone who only desired one thing.

Opening her gamcha, his tongue trailed over her neck, collecting the little water droplets along its path.Her breasts pressed against his board chest.

In that moment, he could no longer control himself. Hastily opening his lowers and wrapping one of her leg around his waist, he thrust his length inside her sore core and suck and mold her soft breasts.

It hadn't even been a complete day since her monthly cycle stopped, and with each thrust, her whole body screamed in pain.

Tara gritted her teeth, desperate not to scream out in agony, mindful that Manik was sleeping on the bed on the other side of the wooden panel.

Tears streamed from her eyes as she felt like her abdomen was tearing apart, the pain becoming unbearable.

This time, she felt like Prithvi didn't care about her feelings, her comfort, or anything else.

Releasing his warm cum, which trailed down from Tara's core and smudged in her inner thighs, he parted her legs while standing. Bending down on his knees, he positioned Tara's one leg on his shoulder and dove his face inside, biting her clit and shoving his tongue into her core.

Making her lay down in the small space on her saree, he once again thrust inside her. Gripping her hair, he made her neck arch backward and bit her nipples and neck region, leaving dark red marks. After some time her torso was covered with his given dark red marks.





As the night wore on, with a heavy heart, Tara drifted into an uneasy sleep, as the first light of dawn pierced the darkness, she knew that she would face another day, alone in her suffering, yet determined to endure whatever trials lay ahead.

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